Wikipedia article for the M42 says it had canister.
Listen I'm not gonna change my opinion a 3rd time so figure it out by yourselves.
I just want a not so useless unit, that's all. |
OP, srsly?
You want an AT gun in tier 1 that has both AI and AT?
Have tried, didnt like, dont want to see PTRS penals
Conspam is countered by 2 MG's.
Said 2 MG's get raped by clown car strafing and penal or engy flamer
It's already turning into a clusterf*ck
+1 on all sentences
RIP historical accuracy... No AT gun in the world can fire canister shot...
Scratch the canister round then, wasn't my idea anyhow. |
T70 gun performance.
Raketen garrison ability.
Possibly canister round, mentioned above me.
As said in the other topic about the M42. |
Both the Pioneers and Soviet Combat Engineers need to earn vet from pretty much everything they do since they scale so poorly and are next to useless compared to their Western Front counterparts.
Repairing, building (anything) and disabling mines should all count towards their vet.
Btw scratch one vote from "All of them" and put it towards "Only a few squads", I made a mistake, sorry. |
A Goliath won't even blow a bridge anymore
Yeah, I remember having to blow it up with a couple of them, same goes for the Allied demos.
Ain't that a bitch. |
Wait, why the fuck aren't demo charges made specifically to DEMOLISH obstacles and buildings in the first place like in CoH? I mean, that's their point, plus I though they were aiming for more realism in this game, not less.
I can still remember the times when you can demo charge a sandbag in CoH, put a random sandbag, demo charge it, boom, instant booby trap, just bait an enemy squad to use the sandbags as cover and voila.
And only the British commandos could put demos wherever they wanted I THINK but I might be wrong about it, but I do believe people complained about getting their squads wiped by a single demo charge on capture points on the Axis side.
Goliaths tho... them buggers were fun to use for Bridges. Ohh, is that a tank that wants to cross? Nope, just send it straight to it's death.
Ah, such fond memories... |
Sorry but the only commander that does what exactly? Cant find the context really
I don't agree that it should stay without AT. But it might be a good idea to make it more expensive when it actually becomes a valid choice.
Oh no nevermind I misunderstood what you wanted to say.
Excuse me. |
+1 This is a good idea. I actually like the AT penals, but what you suggest is so much better. Units like raketen add so much flavour. With the garrison ability I would also think of retreat. Cloak only for doctrines that have AT gun cloak.
The T1 would need rebalance though as it simply sounds OP, especially against infantry.
And I would give the con ptrs to doctrines that have M42 at the moment.
The only doctrine that does this is the Tank Hunter one I believe, the last Soviet commander to be added to the game. |
Maybe with the suggested additions to the M42, those being the same stats as the T70 gun, and perhaps even the garrison ability of the raketen, this little thing can be put in T1 and server as both an early light vehicle counter AND a Maxim replacement or at least a Maxim alternative so people aren't forced to go T2 anymore just because of the ZiS and Maxim.
Just my opinion. |
I'm pretty sure that sending death treats to CM's along with pictures of their kids is vocal enough ^^
Wow what the fuck, I didn't say that.
That's just crossing the line. |