Translation: We love our community doing everything for us. They create our balance patches, create us maps & skins, and playing in our warpaint tournies, which are just commercials to sell skins(which we didnt even make). We continue to make money while doing the bare minimum. We CoH2.
Also was ESL & warpaint major accomplishments? Nothing really came after ESL. Majority of players & streamers left after ESL and only came back for warpaint (I know because, despite not playing for over a month, a lot of them were still high on the leaderboards #DemBoards). We lost our main balance designer and the balance team but they weren't replaced. The warpaint opening rounds had close to ESL viewership but the finals dropped about 300-500 viewers. There was little point to the physical finals. The penultimate interviews weren't even full screen. Thankfully they got a real webcam for the finals but the audio quality was bad. Ultimately, nothing came from Warpaint.
However Relic is fine with their performance because Warpaint was a commercial to sell skins. The tournament was a way to incentivize the community to buy skins so when the actual tournament started, we saw a lack of Relic support because the tournament served its purpose. There was no real hype. All Kyle did was post a facebook post & a tweet, which weren't promoted (you could get away with not promoting a tweet but a facebook post from a page needs to be promoted due to how the algorithms work; though you would want to promote the shit out the tourny so its a fail to have no ad campaign) Kyle even went on vacation after warpaint started #DatSupport.
At the end of the day, Relic can say all these things to impress their peers & maintain Relic's prestige. However, the truth is far different. No one knows what coh2 is, except for people who remember the original, and it has zero relevance to the esports ecosystem. It is much easier to do the bare minimum so you can say "ESL & Warpaint were a success & We still support our competitive scene" rather than actually making the tournies a success or actually supporting the competitive scene. Relic lacks the tenacity to "hunt with the big dogs & pee in the tall grass" so they stay in their comfort zone. In the comfort zone, they'll continue to make a good ROI from CoH2 and can pad their resume but the trappings of success aren't success. The truth is CoH2 is a failure and Relic doesn't care because they're continuing to make money for the bare minimum of effort.
Ok I'm sorry for calling you a wuss because of the Barton thing but damn, you put the nail in the coffin here, I can't agree with you more.
Damn savage if you ask me even, I'm also vocally expressing my opinion on their facebook pages but I don't think they would give a fuck anymore, like you said they're doing the bare minimum and still getting money, that's when you know that their dumb consumers are the problem and not them, well they are the problem but their customers are allowing it, is what I meant.
Perhaps if the community was a bit more vocal about it, not just on the forums or on their facebook posts but on YouTube as well, perhaps even twitch?
I'm just worried about DoW III is all, they'll just continue on their merry way if things continue like they are right now, doing the bare minimum and nobody bothering them for more and we really haven't gotten a good Warhammer 40,000 game in a while now, or at least in RTS form. Eternal Crusade, Regicide and Space Hulk: Deathwing being semi-successful but still nothing like what the first DoW and Space Marine games from the old Relic were. |
No mention of modding tools being upgraded or new content such as commanders or another Army? Fuck me could have at least TRIED their hand at optimizing the game a little bit more.
I mean am I really asking for too much here?
That or the sneaky bastards pull one on us on the final year (that being 2017/2018?) and actually bring these things in and complete their "5 year plan" for the game and start making one for DoW III.
But yeah, at that point I don't know why would anyone bother to play the game, I mean DoW III will be out, there is a major lack of people right now anyhow. |
Idk about PGs and Osttruppen but someone said Grenadiers and Assault Grenadiers did share bulletins. |
add one more squadee to Intelligence and Reconnaissance Pathfinder
Add 5th member to grenadier squad, remove OKW MG34's HQ truck requirement, replace British mortar pit with a mobile mortar squad while transforming the pit into a dedicated emplacement which can be garrisoned by the mortars for bonuses similar to the Vickers vet 1 so no assets are wasted.
USF and Soviets I don't play as much.
Not that I play Wehr much but many people play em but it's noticeable that they're underperforming severely in their current situation.
Sorry if I've broken a rule, or 2. |
I think you need to provide some replays yourself so people can see how and where you're struggling exactly. |
Jesus Christ, STOP FOCUSING ON THE MORTAR PIT. I'm talking mostly about giving the UKF mobile indirect fire by improving the use of the 25pdrs and the artillery flares.
I thought you said most British players would agree with you, guess not.
And yes, I do believe Relic would rather lazily copy-paste the wehr mortar once again instead of bringing back the mortar pit's different shell types AND changing a couple of stats for the IS flares and base 25 pounders.
You get 2 rabbits with one bullet, meaning the complaints of both more mobile oriented British players and calling for a nerf Axis players AND giving the Brits a capable early game mobile in-direct fire unit, something which the flares coupled with the base 25 pounders WILL NEVER BE.
They require an upgrade for the IS, meaning munition, and time and then for the IS to get into suicidal range of the enemy's position to launch the flare, even 35 range is still pretty close for most things.
It's primarily meant to scatter enemy units and area denial, meaning it buys you a few secs of the enemy not approaching from that area/direction, it's not meant to be used as as mobile fire support.
And lastly, it requires your buildings to be kept alive, and that's not going to happen with the enemy constantly harassing your base structures, now is it?
And finally, ASYMMETRICAL BALANCE DOES NOT WORK, it never did, doesn't and never will, get that through your thick skull. And I'll keep repeating it until I die. |
As a mostly British and OKW player here are my thoughts on the matter:
Only camping, sim-city and comp stomp Brit players like to use the mortar pit, the other part of the Army's player base likes to be more mobile and not camp most of the game.
It's a powerful tool if the fight is in it's zone, if it's not, then you can go fuck yourself and your 400 man power invest, not to talk about the time wasted of your sappers building it while they could have repaired your UC or laid a couple of mines, THESE ARE JUST EXAMPLES.
While a mobile mortar team would solve the issue of the Axis complaining that it's OP and the none-campy Brit players (like me, mostly) that complain that the British lack mobile early game none-fuel, none-ammunition and none-doctrine in-direct fire units, which is the truth.
Saying that the British don't need it is like saying "Fuck your opinion, mine is the right one" which is bull, I'm not trashing it but I'm not agreeing with it either, as you should do the same, respect everyone's opinion, even if you don't agree with it.
All of the in-direct fire units and abilities you mentioned (Sexton, flares, base artillery, land mattress) are shit, and I don't think Relic would bother fixing those up and making them viable compared to just adding a unit and making them support units in a sense since as it stands right now, if you don't mass spam them, and the enemy is out of your mortar pit's reach, they're your main and basic in-direct fire units so they carry a huge burden on their shoulders.
The 2 inch mortar upgrade for the UC is a nice suggestion which I saw somebody already made on the Steam forums, however I think the 3rd slot for the IF upgrades should be a Recon one, which is already present in the game btw as far as I remember from my digging in the files a few months ago.
I propse it have the same "snipe" ability as in the first game and provide the Brits with more sight range or something like that, OR have the same abilities as in the UKF Alpha.
I agree with the different shell types for the mortar pit, the upgrade for the UC and the buffing of the base 25 pounders but I do not agree that the mortar pit is a better alternative to the mobile mortar crew tho, as well as the 2 inch upgrade for the IF.
I'd rather have a dedicated mobile mortar team than the IF having their own shittier rifle grenade sort of weapon that would take up 20% of the squad's firepower with it basically. |
Having vast acknowled of the modding tools means nothing. AFAIK, the devs don't even use the modding tools for the live game, they use the their internal SDK.
Manners, a good sense of judgment, perfect acknowledge of units and ability stats, an analytical mind, respect trust of the whole active community and practicality are the characteristics which count.
Extended the list.
2 or 3 guys, who are not fully supported by the active community, is too small.
Additionally, introducing more people would ease up the stress on the current team and improve the decision making process.
Son, even if you know everybody in your combat unit, have their trust and respect, know the stats of your weapon and an analytical mind you'd still die in a real combat situation.
Experience and Knowledge tramples everything else, even rank.
We don't need more people on the team, we just need more people actually playing, giving us rational and non biased feedback and posting replays to support their claims. To help out us here, there will be tournaments down the line.
Most of the feedback is just noise making it difficult to get sensible feedback, especially since there's only a handful of replays posted so far.
The amount of things you can do are minimal, however I do believe more people will be required if Relic actually took their heads out of their asses and gave US, not just 3 people, but US as a community to make all of the necessary changes, not just some minor balance changes and bug fixes, it's not enough for a dying game.
Just let Luvnest, HelpingHans and Shadowwada do 2 patch and 1 hotfix, game is ready to rest It's eternal sleep.
Too bad they haven't even seen the modding tools. |
BartonPL is a troll while Imperial Dane is a biased Axis fanboy.
The rest I don't know except for cruzz and elchino7, I'm all for those guys.
But there are a lot of other good modders out there, I would volunteer if Relic needed any new features implemented but competitive balance is not my thing sadly.
Plus, like someone said, I don't believe most of these people have experience with the modding tools, but the people we do know have at least one published mod on the workshop that has to do something with competitive balance.
Now I'm not trying to shit on anyone's opinion here but I think Relic should widen their scope a bit instead of it being centered on competitive balance, like I said there are a lot of good modders with good, quality mods for the game on the workshop, able to help the team a bit more.
But of course, the bigger the team the more opinion clashes and so forth, but still, if the manpower is needed and Relic aren't such stuck up bastards and let the community actually balance the game they paid for (because I certainly didn't pay for an OKW cripple ]) that'd be great. |