Nice of you to cut Kyle some slack, I'm sure he'll feel very relieved.
I am still not sure if all of Canada speaks French, or just Quebec, but every Canadian page or website I see there is an option for French.
Plus I really liked the Canadian-French accent from the first game, like I already said.
And I'm only cutting him slack IF he speaks French, which would justify his bad grammar.
And yeah I know about how hard it is to be a community moderator and that you take a lot of flak for the developers and that you need to have a thick skin and all that but I mean, if he's not up for the job then why apply in the first place at all? We all need money, but if we suck in a job I see no reason for doing that specific job then.
There were no such grammar mistakes in CoH as far as I remember.
Kyle is not known for his grammar or skills at the game, come to think of it he is far worse than the previous moderators, I guess he just doesn't ban as often as the previous mod and streams more than her and Noun combined.
I'll cut them some slack for also having to speak Canadian-French tho, so at least there's that.
3. The game is already unoptimized, you want to add to that?
4. Go play CoH and try out the pings with the AI there.
5. German-Italian Army would be the best choice for this game, all of the Armies you listed would be overwhelmed by the West, as if the East aren't already...
Seriously go play CoH, it's a lot more Comp Stomp friendlier than CoH 2.
Enemy at the Gates was a fictional movie, not a factual documentary. Everything you saw there was made up with the exception of a few names.
Do you really feel that a movie is basis for factual debate? You're like the girl who said "I watched a documentary about Titanic but they got it all wrong, they didn't even mention Rose and Jack!"
Let's be honest here, your name suggests you're Russian.
Weren't the Brits the only ones having problems with T0 MG42s? I think so.
But yeah, I always thought about this, well not always, uhm, a bit before the announcement for the UKF Alpha in which the MG42 was made T0.
Since the Cons were already in the Soviet T0 building.
So yeah, Grens in T0, MG42 back to T1 along with PGs being in T1 sounds kind of OK to me, then they'll be able to match Penals since they'll be coming out at sort of the same time.
Problem is double Panzershrecks will put an early end to Allied Light vehicle meta, of course, that is if the Wehr player has the munitions to spare for it to answer the Allied LVs.
Haven't seen second one (Generation War, but i will do it), but "Enemy at the Gates" is not the best choice to prove your point of view. Much better to read Grossman's "Life and Fate".
P.S. Ooops, offtop. I am sorry
Well it's the only instances of Penal units I've seen, sorry if I can't provide any more or better examples.
But yeah, you should check out Generation War, it's one of the few pieces of media that portray the war from the German side, albeit of course not down to the nail realistic but still, better than most Hollywood bullshit, apart from Saving Private Ryan, BoB, and Fury in terms of realistic combat portrayal.
And yes I know I know, but both SPR and Fury are still realistic in their combat sense, if not based on actual real war stories.
It is not the elite in the sense of guards when you have some kind of traditions and so on. It is the elite in the sense that your enemies fear you and your commander know that you will do whatever they tell you and if you die you will take enemy soldiers with you. But in the end it tips the ballance of battle in the same way.
As for the movies you are talking about, these are so propaganda packed I don't think you can take any useful historical information out of them. One of them (Generation War) even coused protests in my country when it got transmited on tv for the first time just becouse of how nonsensical it was historic wise.
To be honest I'd still wouldn't even wink at unarmed or badly armed and running low on ammo guys with soft caps running towards me, ex commissars or not.
No idea what you're talking about Generation War, the series was brilliant if you ask me, but maybe because of how Poland was treated by both sides during the war, you're people don't like it so much.
TL;DR: you have 2 versions of Penal troops. Officers-commissars on one side (battalion), NCO-common soldiers-prisoners (companies) on the other.
We can always increase build/reinforce time.
The problem IMO is having a sustainable army composed of 3+ Penals.
What are conscripts then?
Flamer/Satchel charges could be gated behind both HQ upgrades respectively. If Penals takes longer to build n reinforce, then getting a slightly stronger unit concedes map presence early on and allows for more of 2v1 or "1.5v1" situations.
Doesn't really make much of a difference to me, many people that are currently serving can clarify on the NCOs being the leadership hand in the entire chain of command, down on the field they're the guys that do the heavy fighting alongside their men and commanding while any higher ranking officer can choose to be far out back.
So again, even if the "Penal Battalions" were made up out of ex commissars and/or officers I still wouldn't see the difference, they're still soft cap guys running towards you with barely any rifles or ammo.
But an upgrade that locks out close quarter assault packages sounds good to me, sort of.
Dirlewanger's squad is the first that comes to my mind. One could argue they were "cannon fodder" as they lost huge amounts of men in some operations, but on the other hand they were always well equipped and were deployed in crucial places during operations they took part in. Command always knew that whatever the mission is, this unit is always going to success.
The only 2 instances of penal units I've seen I think are in Enemy at the Gates and Generation War, and neither were regarded as "Elite" units, better equipped than their ordinary counterparts.
I guess you should ask both hitler and stalin, since in both armies penal batallions were treated as elite ones and really got better equipment. Mind that this is only about real criminals like murderers for example - they simply make better soldiers (in the sense of effectivness only of course). Political prisoners and soldiers who broke their orders were instead thrown on suicidial missions, like you suggest. These don't have a place in coh though, since the game is all about squad preservation.
Can you show me an example of penal units being regarded as "elite"?
Every instance of a penal unit I've read, they have always been treated as cannon fodder and nothing more, but never "elite".
Plus, why would the "Elite" redeem themselves with either their enemy's blood or THEIR OWN? Isn't that wasting the potential of an "Elite" unit?