I'd say they are making DoW3 closer to LoTV since SC2's problem was lack of micro since it boiled down to who could execute macro timings the best. With Legacy of the void, they added a bunch of micro based units to inject variety based on player skill into the game. I think it is a good thing to have this influence DoW3 since it is a good way to get variety into a game rather than "herpa derpa lets add random RNG to make it funz" as well as add a higher skill cap by having a focus be on micro rather than just macro.
One of CoH2's major problems is the sheer amount of variables in the system. If balance was on point, Relic would be able to experiment with all these variables but they can barely juggle one thing at a time so there is no way they can juggle all the balls in the air. By streamlining cover, damage, abilities, asymmetrical design, it should make the DoW3 better.
Listen, I can see that people are getting bored with SC, but CoH and DoW have always and I mean ALWAYS been their own things.
Even in StarCraft's "deathmatch" mode or whatever you wanna call it, where you can SORT OF turtle, it has never been like what you can do in DoW or CoH.
Plus it's a Rip-off of DoW, and it's obvious, I mean, reapers from SC really don't remind you of Warhammer 40k's Assault Marines? The Space Marines themselves are the base for the Terran Marines. Zerg? Tyranids. Protoss? Eldar.
And yes yes, DoW was later than SC, that's why it stills holds up until today, while many people have left SC behind because of it's obsolete graphics while people to this day are still developing mods for DoW.
I'm not trashing or hating on SC, as a SC player myself, I have nothing BUT respect for the game and what Blizzard have done with it, and what they're continuing to do with it, however, I much rather StarCraft keep to what IT is and DoW and CoH keep to what they are, and they are large scale tactical games, based not on superior micro like it is in SC, but superior positioning, using the cover mechanic of both games, some luck, and upgrades/right units for the job, StarCraft doesn't have short/mid/long range combat, StarCraft doesn't feature much units that fire on the move, StarCraft doesn't feature a LOT of things that are in both DoW and CoH, and that is why, I believe that DoW and COH will never achieve StarCraft's competitive status, because there are simply too many things that are not directly in the player's control.
That is why I don't agree in which direction Relic are taking their beloved series, they'd rather make money and lose fans than gain more fans and more money by actually not trying to reach competitive status with their games and whoring DLCs.
Both DoW and CoH were made with a lot of love, and you can clearly see that, with so much character and attention to detail in everything, just have a look at some of the voice videos on YouTube of CoH units, their speech, their chatter, it just sounds and feels humane, organic, real, nothing can compare to it, it gives character to the ordinary units and Armies, for me DoW II and CoH 2 just fail at that, and DoW III will continue to fail at that, because they've lost the love with which they made their first games back in the 2000s, it's all about the money and abiding to the new generation of competitive MOBA and StarCraft players and making OP shit cost real life money and be sold as DLC, those are 2 of their major problems as I see it.