Keep in mind how many Points you get in which amount of time.
Let's make a calculation.
A CoH2 commander costs 15.000 loot points (I might be wrong, I am at work, but let's assume it this way).
You need to win three games to get a crate of 500 loot points (let's also assume that you are a pretty good CoH2 player and win every single game you play; ALSO you are a unlucky mofo that never gets anything out of crates but loot points, no skins or anything).
A game takes about 40 minutes of time to finish, most games are longer, but others are much shorter.
To get 500 Loot Points it takes you:
In order to buy yourself a commander it takes you:
Keep in mind that this is just a calculation of a perfect (in terms of crate drops and wins) calculation.
If we keep it realistic and say that you really are a good player and win 3 out of 4 games:
So a very good player needs 75 hours (more than 3 days!) of consequent CoH2 gaming to get one single commander for one single faction, which is insane.
Sure, as a CoH2 veteran you get Loot from double bulletins and stuff you could salvage from the past, but a new CoH2 player has nothing to salvage and starts with 0 Loot. And since as good as all "good" commanders that are meta are not available from the start, it is hard for him to compete because he gets stomped by those "better" commanders OR maybe he thinks about that 3$ are not the world and decides to buy himself a "good" commander.
It still simply is pay to win. You either pay real money to keep yourself competitive or you pay more than 70 real hours for those 3$, which is an hourly wage (hahaha) of about 0.04$. As someone with a job, I maybe get about 5-8 hours a week to play CoH2 in the evening, so it would take me about 10 weeks or 3 months to get a commander. And from my experiences, this timespan is pretty accurate.
Let's be real though, many players will simply abandon the game. Personally I would never, EVER pay for some ingame bullshit that gives me better chances to win. I bought WFA and the Brits, that's it.
Solid Maths right there, however I still don't consider it P2W since the system is not either fork over money or die until the RNG god smiles upon you, now you sort of can grind to it, like in F2P games.
Plus you could get up to 250000 points combined from all of the recent loot point events for the Winter Balance Patch, that is, if you could have fucking downloaded it thanks to Relic's brilliant download system. |
Not their decision, it's Relics.
Same as the scope. OP p2w units such as the Calliope and the Land Mattress need to stay OP in order to make money. Same with Pershing and Comet.
Nah, that was BEFORE you could buy them with loot points, not so pay 2 win anymore.
But I'm guessing any new commanders they add will be only buyable with real money.
If they add any new commanders that is. |
Watch Paula's fuel before and after salvage.
Well ok then, however like I already mentioned, I've seen Tactical Support used very few times in my presence so naturally I have no experience with it. Thought it was just the OKW's salvage copy paste. |
i like your kind of thinking. It reminds me on my 2 years old child.
Alone the salvage is OP in this commander...i mean: 160fuel in 20sek from a KT and a panther? really?
as OKW u get 5-15fuel...
You got proof of that?
And I can only imagine what's it like if your child is half the person you area... |
Because the moderators here abide to some politically correct rules, your topic will probably be edited or something since you can't publicly name and shame people, because it can hurt their feelings! |
Thank you so much for ignoring my solution to your problem (as everyone else's solutions to your problem) and continuing to bang the drums of nerfing a unit just because YOU think it's OP.
You all are very brilliant, even if the solution is staring you dead cold in the face.
I have nothing more to say about this. |
I'll write here what I posted on the video:
Anyone else notice how the British player focused on the mortar pits?
So, instead of nerfing the bofors or mortar pit, why not just replace the mortar pit with a mobile mortar and make the mortar pit into a garrisonable emplacement, which, may or may not give the garrisoned mortars a vet 1 bonus similar to the Vickers vet 1, as well as some increased protection compared to just being outside in green cover.
Oh and OP: the reason why the Bofors died after 40 minutes was because it was well supported, any enemy will have a hard time defeating a well supported position. |
I think, and this is just my opinion, that the doctrine was solely chosen because of that single ability, and for nothing more, everything else in it is sub par and from MY personal observations is VERY rarely used.
That doesn't mean that nobody can use it or build a good strategy around it, all I'm saying is that it was mostly chosen due to that OP ability before it's nerf and not for any of it's other abilities.
Most Brit players I see either go Mobile Assault, Vanguard or Special Weapons, Support is just the odd duck of the bunch, unlike the American support which at the very least has the Calliope in it which was also nerfed but at least it's still viable. |
Wreck values are, unfortunately, all over the place. We haven't managed to be convincing enough to remove this inconsistency.
(IMO: The most ridiculous ability in the game that has not been touched by WBP is "Heroic Charge". Since heroic charge is out of scope, I doubt that other, less ridiculous abilities can be considered in-scope.)
The commander needs a bit of redesign. I'm a big fan of doing something to make forward observation point more useful, and also letting the core army synergise better with weapon drops (Brits have no mobile reinforcement platform).
The commandeer abilities would synergise really well with a faction that has strong forward reinforcement options. This is something that Brits lack. Thus, this commander is forever going to revolve around Arty Cover -- unless something changes.
Core army:
- Make forward assemblies cheaper say 200MP or 150MP 15FU), but remove emplacement garrison bonus
- To compensate, make forward retreat points more expensive (200MP -> 300-350MP). Forward retreat could activate emplacement garrison bonuses.
Forward Observation point:
- Can be activated on forward assemblies
- Gets free recon (currently costs 30 muni?)
- Can cast artillery cover within X radius
- Cost (potentially) reduced
Artillery cover
- Needs to fire a few dud shells (bofors barrage + shells that deal 0 damage). This is to warn the other player that the ability is active
- Debuffs could build up over time, rather than be binary
- Can cast either from command vehicle or from forward obervation point
- Cancels if casting vehicle move or is destroyed
Command Vehicle:
- Reduce bonuses / Make bonuses less ridiculous for infantry (for tanks it's OK-ish)
- Remove speed penalty
- Add ability cooldown penalties for AVRE/Crew nades/Smoke/White Phosphorus
- Increase veterancy gain speed (since the CV's damage output gets reduced by 75%)
Salvage operation:
- Allows engineers to upgrade salvage kit for 1 slot item worth
- Salvage kit gets ability that pings available wrecks for player in containing sector (could give same ability to Soviet salvage crews)
- Not mutually-exclusive with anvil upgrade
- Need to figure out consistent wreck values (gaining more than 30 fuel per any type of vehicle is too much)
Air resupply operation
- No change.
- Note the synergy with cheaper forward assemblies, though: People could use the ability more tactically; establish foothold -> supply drop -> push
If we want to go for complete-overkill mode, arty cover could also trigger victor barrage on all mortar pits, bofors (suppressive barrage), 25 pounder, airburst shells, etc
I especially like your FA idea, how about just making it 200 man power and 15 fuel, and making the retreat point upgrade cost like, 150-200 which also activates the garrison bonuses, and another upgrade which spawns medics around the FA os it that too overkill for a single building?
But I think a nice Wehrmacht bunker like system where each forward assembly is it's own thing, like for example you might want medics to heal your troops since you don't have the ammo to upgrade IS or just don't have IS, so you upgrade one forward assembly to a medic post so to speak, you need repairs on your tanks and have the Advanced Emplacements Regiment so you upgrade it with that, or you upgrade it to a Forward Observation Post, 1 upgrade per FA, multiple Brit players can pull their resources to create a proper FOB like the OKW and Wehrmacht can which would further improve teamwork on the Allied side. |
Well since you "own" the trenches as well I see nothing bad about letting it be deployed on them as well, artillery observers have been known to use dug in positions on elevated ground such as hills in order to use it as cover as well. |