Now I feel bad for using Google translate. |
Rak "can be fixed" by fucking up the visuals and trying to make it shoot from a higher position (IIRC what someone said). The other stats (aiming) are been fixed on WBP.
ISG takes more than double the amount of xp to get to the same vet level as normal mortars.
Mortar: 480/960/1920
ISG: 840/1680/3360
Vet1 is useful (extra range) but unless it hits vet 3 it doesn't gain anything else which improves it's function. And still, most people don't bother with the barrage unless they are hitting mortar pits. So the only useful thing it gets, is at vet5 (lol).
Current (live) vet3 mortars are OP cause they have more range than 120mm or ISG on auto attack and they can achieve it pretty "easy".
If you want to play OH, just play OH. The point i'm trying to make is that i don't think OKW needs a minute 0 MG in order to play the early game. The MG34 been shitty as nothing else than suppression is another subject. Is there space to buff it, probably. But i don't think that would be possible if it was T0, specially with the amount of T0 tools OKW has atm.
Not saying this is ideal change but food for thought at least for a future patch:
-Instead of getting faust after BUILDING a truck (not deploying) make it so that you unlock MG34.
-Increase MG34 damage from 2 to 4 and reduce accuracy instead to keep same DPS against infantry. Increase AoE suppression to offset lower accuracy values.
Now if you want a quicker MG as OKW at least you have to "tech/build", in a simil way SU has to go T2 and old OH had to get T1.
You just gave me an idea, how about throwing in a GrW34 in the command HQ, buffing and making the MG34 into a lesser MG42 at 250 man power, fixing the rakaten or replacing it entirely with a Pak 38 since the fix sounds artificial to me.
Your support weapons are going to be locked behind a support tech similar to the Wehr battle phase.
Not exactly T0 but you will be able to get MG34s earlier than now and you will also have access to smoke with the mortar, and a cheaper and arguably better alternative to the leig.
This is just a wild idea of course, I'm not really pushing for ir, just throwing it out there.
But I think that if a support tech is added it needs to be worth it, I don't wanna pay more for access to shitty support weapons I can't even use. |
which means no coh at all. Do you ever listen to yourself?
also, you complain about p2w commander and want new commanders at the same time ? logic ?
also, i bet if i gave you 200$ to buy all you can, i'd still win against you without using a single commander ability
No, no CoH2, DoW2 and DoW3, or at least no CoH2 and DOW3 since DoW2 had mostly cosmetical DLC.
I want more content, like a new Army and some balanced commanders with no OP units or abilities in them.
And I am not about to play with some die hard 1v1 competitive "pro" that thinks he'll prove a point by winning a match in an online game.
Make sure to use some common sense next time and remember, stupid tactics like trying to twist a person's words in your own favor don't work with me. |
Bad stats =/= bugged
Do you forget that you start with a SP right? 90% of the time early on (2v2) i don't get a 2nd SP and just go Kubel + Volks (unless really heavy urban).
Starting SP rushing house/cutoff followed by Kubel and MG34 for garrison. MG34 (garrisoned) also solves the problem of Bren Carrier and M3 till they have enough munition for flamer. 4th unit is Volk and then either truck or another Volk.
Read carefully before jumping to conclusions: "if it was T0 i don't see why i would open with anything else than Kubel + MG34". Maybe i interpret English differently but OPENING for me means the first units.
I don't believe that the raketen shooting at an enemy unit and hitting the ground is bad stats but alright.
And besides, it would basically be Wehr 2.0 opening, just with a twist thrown in with the kubel and having both your support weapons and mainline infantry in the same building.
And let's not talk about how OKW's support weapons fail in comparison to their Wehr counterparts.
I just tested it today, 2 leigs and 1 mortar, mortar got to lvl 3 while the leigs were either vet 1 or close to vet 2, raketen as we already mentioned is bugged or excuse me, it's stats are fucked up and the MG34 is a sorry excuse for an MG that people just don't want to make T0 for some odd reason because they hate it so much.
Make a mod where the MG34 is Tier 0 and see for yourself that it's not as OP as you might think. |
It definitely feels like it, but at the same time I still have SOME hope left that they'll come back with another Axis Army or at least a few more commanders as a parting gift, or hell I don't know.
What I know is that they milked it to the very end, that is all, and they will continue to do so until they go bankrupt because of their greed, which I hope is soon.
I'd rather not play any more games from them than have stupid people feed the money machine that SEGA has created out of pure greed, same thing happened with the Total War series games, since SEGA took the publisher role Total War has also become a DLC shit fest with pay2win or at least pay2play content, and they continued that with Total War Arena, altho the premium units there weren't as OP, however I think that's about to change with Wargaming taking over development of the game.
Sad, was looking forward to it, not anymore.
I burned myself once with WoT and War Thunder, not gonna happen again, same with Enlisted.
Those greedy Russian companies can go choke on a vodka bottle. |
Hot damn, I need to abuse me some of that Command Panther before they nerf it. |
Thread: ISU 15224 Feb 2017, 22:04 PM
I sure as hell am not as surprised or shocked when seeing an IS-2 as I am when facing an ISU-152 so Idk.
I just think it's in shitty doctrines, that's all. |
USF: they added the mortar cause the only thing you could do was get Rifles and then more Rifles. RE were nerfed to no longer be viable to spam them (i suspect an overreaction to CptSprice strat). The other openings were nerf after been too good. Assault Engineers and Dodge. Pathfinders arrive slightly too late but i'm kinda scared of making them 0CP.
Rak: it's not bugged, it has some bad stats which is kinda compensated by cloak cheese.
Kubel: if you don't like Kubel you don't like microing it. There are 2 scenarios where you Kubel have a hard time: Urban maps (although if you get it to vet1 you'll have a free IR HT) due to MG garrison and light vehicles (M3-Dodge-Bren). Against anything besides Dodge, you have to realise they have too little capping power.
MG34: if it was T0 i don't see why i would open with anything else than Kubel + MG34 and go aggressively to cut off or important strat point.
That's what I said, slight diversity.
And that's again what I said, it's bugged, it shouldn't normally take for enternity to aim and fire and hit the ground constantly.
And finally, I would like to see you actually attempt that, but let's just be clear about it, no Sturms, no Volks, only Kubel and MG34, that's your only opening, nothing else.
Let's see how you will repair your kubel. |
I agree, however it's aim time and shooting ground should also be fixed.
Or just entirely replace it with the Pak 38 from the old game, that's also an option.
I am not even sure why the Pak 38 had camo there and not some other ability. |
You can't give a faction as starting unit an Elite troop + T0 best capping unit + T0 ATgun and on top of that a suppressive platform.
Oh, you mean like how Relic added the mortar to the USF? They already had the best opening, that just added to the power of it, plus some slight diversity.
On top of that, that "elite troop" are not anti infantry terminators, they're the Army's engineers and they are overburdened with having to capture, block, repair, close in with enemy infantry so basically be your shock asssult troops and be your anti tank infantry totting panzershrecks, they're multi purpose and versatile, not OP. Plus they cost 300 manpower.
The raketen sucks because it's bugged and the kubel ain't worth shit outside of being an MG armed schwimmwagen from the first game.
The MG34 is needed to fight early Allied infantry supremacy and help hold ground, similar to the Wermacht and Brits. |