You 2 are the reasons why we are currently in this mess, the longer you mindlessly continue to throw money into the fire the longer they'll continue to make bullshit design choices.
Since the nerf, Volley fire is no longer viable unless your opponent is asleep. You won't suppress anyone fast enough before they focus fire the RE and kill you.
OP: IMO you are just handicapping yourself in case something goes wrong. If you can somehow make medics jump before the ambulance get's killed that's "good" but putting a utility/combat unit out of the match is never a good idea.
I was unable to download the Winter Balance Patch due to Relic's Brilliant download system so I am unaware of any minor nerfs and buffs, I only remember what I read from the changelog and what I heard others discuss.
So you can reinforce from a rear echelon squad? Am I reading this right? Sounds pretty stupid if so.
I think he means swaping the driving squad of the ambulance with REs.
Perhaps he's asking if it's viable.
Problem is is that if you lose the ambulance you lose a more combat effective than the medics squad, which is also your main builder and repair unit, as well as their ability to volley fire which may be crucial in some early game parts in order to gain ground and force the enemy to retreat.
But yeah, you then have 2 healing units and the REs can repair the ambulance.
I'd say see how it works out for you and then maybe report back here.
Are you seriously comparing the Pershing to the Commander Panther? Lol, they have entirely different roles, plus they're different classes of vehicles.
In reality, the Allies classed the Panther as Heavy Tank, while the German classed it as Medium or a heavier than a Panzer IV medium tank, since it really was that, sort of.
The Tiger is the only tank in the game you can basically compare it to since they sort of have a similar role and they're both basically shite, and are called in.
While the Panther (ordinary Panther) and Comet are default vehicles which you can call in without a commander.
and then we'll wait for another patch to adjust new commander or old one to be on par in live game
srsly i would like to see more content
And yes, I'd say 2 more commanders for the Western Front Armies and 1 or 2 more for the Eastern Front ones would be a good end to their content additions.
Of course I'm still hopeful of a 3rd Axis Army to complete the set, however with the way things are going I'm doubtful at the same time about that, they either need to release the 3rd Axis Army with 10 commanders from the start or 6 at the start like the other Western Front Armies and then 4 at the same time or something like that.
Well at least I made my point with people telling me to fuck off because I'm not as pro as them, at least he's polite about it tho, gotta give him that.
Oh yeah and maths wiz, news flash but you will always be out-numbered by the Allies, remember, Quality vs Quantity and the nerf to OKW blobs meaning that you won't have more than 3 volks on the field most of the time and the risk of losing your volks is far greater than the USF player losing his rifles to you.
But you're also out-gunned here as well since the Allies have superior infantry to you and you will be considered as lucky even if you survive to see your first tank out.
Oh yeah and I'm sorry I'm not on your level of multi-tasking while having to call in a vehicle and dealing with a small assault on my flank while my vehicle follows the road and hits a mine, I am not HelpingHans or you for me to have super human multi-tasking capabilities.
OK so first off, apologies for the huge wall of text but I've tried to be detailed to help you. I did watch the second replay. There are a few things that affected the battles but sometimes rng won. Rifles are a more expensive squad so they should generally win. Anyway..
Some general tips:
Keep SP (Sturmpios) near the kubel for fast repairs. The kubel is a great unit early on because it can kill models (cause manpower (MP) loss for your enemy, while losing none your self, assuming the kubel doesnt die. Being able to retreat it and quickly repair is very strong in the early game.
Oddly RE do more damage to kubels to rifles, so you are usually better off engaging a rifle squad with it.
Always sit squads in cover when capping points, just in case they are attacked as it will give them an advantage.
Use attack move order when sending squads around the map. They will stop and fire whenever they see an enemy. This avoids squads running up to another trying to cap a point and should have them at max range initially in engagements, giving you a better chance to win the fight.
Cover doesn't work from 0-10 range as units ignore it at this distance. Bear this in mind as sometimes running into cover if you are already very close serves no benefit.
Mines win games. Even if they are wiping only a few models at a time or stopping a vehicle from pushing, its enough to win fights and entire games. Always try to be planting mines, especially in random places and not always obvious ones (eg roads). If they enemy is sweeping them all the time, then perhaps not a great investment but they might not always have a sweeper around. Really useful for protecting MG or AT gun flanks.
If you cant win an engagement, there is little point staying as you will take more damage / bleed than the enemy will. Sometimes it is better to just retreat and fight another day.
Avoid roads if the enemy is using mines, as they are perfect spots.
Have stuck the specific tips about the 1st replay in a spoiler as it is quite long.
I hope this is of some help. 1v1 is much harder than any of the team games and there is a lot to learn with this game so it does take time.
If you don't already, its worth watching some of the top streamers. You can learn a lot by watching them.
Yeah, babysitting your paper Armor vehicle sounds like a great idea. Edit: this was sarcasm, of course you have no alternative choice but I think the UC's self repair would be a great addition to the kubel instead of forcing your Sturms to follow your Kubel or at least be very near by it in order to quickly repair it and get it back into the fight.
I mean your Sturms can be busy providing pressure elsewhere, or building, or laying mines, anything really, and you usually don't have another free Sturm squad in the early game in order to follow the kubel plus, you're going to be outnumbered most of the time if we're honest here. You need more self-sufficient units, not less.
Retreating makes you lose ground, I am not saying that it's viable leaving your squad there to fight to the last man but it's really a battle of wits on who's gonna retreat first most of the times, however you being an Axis player you will most often have to retreat first.
And finally, maybe you just got a vehicle out and can't babysit it so you just tell it where to go on the minimap and go do something else, what's your fault that Relic implemented bad pathfinding and made vehicles prefer to go on roads most of the time and not on a direct path (if possible and there is no obstruction) to a target?
Again, I don't see any suggestion on how to hold ground as OKW early game without a Tier 0 MG, the old system with the MG34 being doctrinal was much better as it allowed you to call in MGs much faster than now.