Reposting from my steam discussions post:
The more I've been playing the game, the more I've come to really appreciate how well put together the battalions system is. At least, in theory.
For example, the devs wanted the infantry companies to stand out, but also, at the same time, they wanted every regiment to have squads to capture territory with.
So what did they do? They make it so that all tank and artillery regiments (except two specific regiments which are supposed to be hybrids) have a massive penalty to basic infantry, BUT they still have access to the new "seperate infantry squads" which are way more Battle Rating AND Command Point effective at the cost of not being able to divide up like basic infantry.
In this way, the devs made it so that non-infantry company players have to make a decision: do I take away Battle Rating from my specialized units so that I can put basic infantry in my deck, or do I fully specialize and just take seperate squads to handle capping.
Then we have the specialized regiments like heavy tank regiments, howitzer regiments, etc. There's a really interesting dynamic there, where you get access to higher tier units from the regiment's specialty, but you give up on the generalist discounts of the basic regiment.
I can honestly say that it's incredibly fun to break down a regiment and build it up from scratch. I have a blast figuring out ways to accentuate my strengths while covering for weaknesses.
And honestly, the regiments really do each have their own "feel". I really do love how loadouts can look so different from regiment to regiment, but still fit the "theme" of the regiment.
Honestly, I've given the devs a lot of sh*t about the game, but the battalion system absolutely sells the game to me, hands down. They really did a good job with it.
This is somewhat the same idea as the custom commander system for Company of Heroes 2 several years ago.
I still don't understand why they didn't at least give it a shot, I believe there could have been certain limits and restrictions in place to not allow for OP combinations.
Pictures for example -
This makes me beg the question if such a comparison can also be done with the original CoH.
It'd be interesting to see the color difference between the 3 because I definitely feel like the first is way darker and realistic, to me at least. |
I would honestly say that my gripes with the game are very few, first comes the visual representation because everything in the original CoH looked and felt like it had more impact, the explosions looked and sounded more real and the craters they left behind seemed appropriate while almost everything in CoH2 and CoH3 looks and feels more cartoonish, like kid's toys.
Then there's of course a certain lack of content, as has been noted before CoH2 by comparison had a lot more commanders released within an year.
Lastly it would probably be the limited modding support, which would somewhat solve the above content problem in my opinion as well. If we were free to do more with the game I think that balance, content and maybe even the visual and audio problems that people have could be remedied due to the dedication of the community.
CoH3 still remains the most future-rich and mechnically advanced game in the franchise and like I've mentioned previously it has a lot of potential which could be put to good use if only we were allowed to do so. |
Rattenreich seems like a good contender for that spot but it's a mix of both CoH and MoW because it has a TPS/FPS mode for it's units, or at least had in the YouTuber preview before the last public alpha so I suppose only time will really tell if that's true or not. |
You could easily google this and see a ton of different reasons and theories as to why. Obviously this will be subjective but here is one quick link Study shows remote workers less productive
Second, Relic hired 350 people. Built them a beautiful space to work and collaborate that was VERY expensive. The least the employees could do is come into work and do what they were paid to do. It seems that culture created at Relic was a 'kid-glove' approach where employees were given everything at their whim without actually producing anything of value.
I have no issue with employees reaping benefits or unionizing IF they had created something of value. Instead all they did was create debt and simply under preform. I don't know how else to slice it. One way clear way to combat lack of production is to have a boss (or baby sitter) ensuring the employees are focused and on track. Much harder to accomplish this when people are 'working' from home.
Google is where I found the statistics in favor of remote work.
I was wondering more about your own personal opinion since perhaps you have had experience as a remote employer or employee, or both. That's what interested me. |
Healthy buttery males choosing to 'work' remotely.
Can you elaborate more on this?
I'm curious as to see what possible arguments you might have that are in support of working at an office, which in my opinion is rent for the building in which to facilitate said office space, possibly parking, and probably more potential problems with your employees such as being sick (define it as you wish), stress from a long commute and so on and so forth.
For the record I am not trying to pick a fight here, I'm genuinely looking for good reasons as to why working in an office is preferable to working from home, for both employers and employees because most of the studies that I've read seem to suggest that remote seems to have more pros than cons nowadays. |
Yesterday's announcement probably came as a surprise not just for me but for many other people here as well so I wanted to make this topic in order to discuss it and gather some opinions on the subject matter.
If I have to be completely honest here, I am not sure what to think of it.
Growing up with CoH back in 2006 it taught me a lot of things about history, made me interested in weapons and vehicles, it's also one of the reasons why I got into mechanics in order to understand how tanks worked better. It also introduced military concepts to me like for example flanking, as in not running towards the enemy head-first but instead trying to go through an alternative route in order to achieve your objective, positive reinforcement in the form of a medal system since as a kid I really got inspired every time I heard "From a grateful Fatherland for the glorious struggle, honor and blood, present this Iron Cross" by the German announcer every time I played the Wehrmacht and upgraded my units to level 3 veterancy.
Then in 2013 I was very sad to hear about THQ's bankruptcy but at least I was happy that CoH2 was coming out, and while the release had it's problems along with the microtransaction commander system in the beginning I think the game got to a pretty good point with around 2 dozen commanders for the vanilla armies and around a dozen for the 3 others that came after them, plus the Ardennes Assault dynamic campaign which received some criticism for it's pricing but I think overall it was pretty solid and only lacked a German part to it which could have fit as the beginning before the story was flipped. Not to mention the 10 years of support with updates, some of which even the community got involved in in order to improve the game.
CoH3 launching in a somewhat similar fashion to it's predecessor almost a decade later I think at least means that they might have the same spirit as to see that things could be improved and are working towards that if the last and next updates are anything to go by so I suppose that's good.
However I still think that it would be a great disservice to everybody to say that there weren't major improvements from last time, we got 4 armies at launch with 3 unique battlegroups each, modding support, however light right now, a workshop full of community-made maps from the get go, lots of new features and mechanics such as the vehicle recovery, auto-vaulting and so forth and against they seem to be committed to improving it.
To me personally the only real major concerns are better modding support and more content in the form of battlegroups if not straight up more armies to play around with. In my view balance-wise at least can be again helped with by the community once more like before with CoH2, while content-wise more can be created with expanded modding capabilities like it's the case with the original game.
So to put it in a few short words, I still think that the game has great potential like I've mentioned here before and if done well with continued improvement and expansion this move could prove to be something good if not great but I suppose only time will really tell.
Which brings me to my second point, new battlegroups.
I think going by previous leaks, current still unreleased content within the game files and now the announcement realistically speaking we have enough for 1 or 2 more Battlegroups for each army right now, those being as far as I can see:
WM - Something with the Nashorn, still non-existing Gebirsjäger mountain troops that have several references to them in the files, Sdkfz. 9 "Famo" recovery halftrack, Flak and Mortar versions of the 251, "Fortress" Pioneers and also the rest of the Italian units from the looks of things that the DAK already have.
DAK - Something with the Italian Paratroopers from the "Folgore" division that we see in some cutscenes from the single-player campaign along with all of the new vehicles that were added in the last update such as the Panzerjäger I, Command Panzer II, Stummel 8 rad heavy armored car and Sturmpanzer II "Bison".
UKF - Canadian Vanguard would be an obvious choice here with the Cannuck shocktroops alongside the Churchill Crocodile as well as the Priest, Piats for the Sappers maybe and the Repair and Recovery CWT truck.
USF - As far as I remember there was a mention of some sort of "Light Mechanized" BG that would contain some of the unfinished units in the game right now such as the Command M3 Halftrack, M20 Utility car, M3 Lee and again possibly an M7 Priest but American this time around again which would make much more sense since the Canadians did have their indigenous Sexton armed with the 25 pounder in order to reduce the logistical hurdle that they had to endure during combat operations.
So what do you guys think? I'm interested in seeing some more opinions like I already mentioned in the beginning of this since I know this place still harbors the more dedicated fans to the series.
Cheers. |
I am acting like this IRL.
Being almost 2m tall and rather muscular gives me certain degree of impunity.
Why the ill informed post then?
CoH2 was made on slightly modified CoH1 engine, pulled animations from it etc. It literally was an expanded mod of CoH1 and CoHo was a test run for it.
CoH3, again, had to be made from scratch, because engine was made from scratch, you literally have dev interviews pre-launch explaining that. You should also be aware of why placeholder art assets are being used during development, but in case of CoH2, CoH1 assets were not placeholders, well, models were, but animations were just copied when applicable, for CoH3 they had to be redone, all of them.
Hell, CoH1 engine was so little modified for CoH2, you could still find DoW2 map assets there during earlier days.
Son, being big doesn't necessarily mean you'll intimidate everyone you meet.
There are people who fight for a living or carry weapons, do you think they won't be able to bring you down to your knees in a split second if needed?
I have done boxing and other martial arts and can say from personal experience, the biggest and loudest guy in the room isn't always the meanest, quite on the contrary I would say even.
So I suggest practice being more humble and less of an ass both on here and in real life and maybe you won't get your teeth kicked in some day by someone that you shouldn't have messed with.
As far as the rest of your post goes, I don't see what you're calling ill-informed exactly when you're stating the same thing as me basically but with more words. |
But you would assume athat a newer Engine ist more flexible. Exactly for that reason to not have the same problems like older versions. So why it is so hard to implement something like a "give up" button with an newer Engine which should be aware of the features already existing
We can assume a lot of things but if you ask a software developer he will probably tell you about the evolution of a program from version to version, there's always changes, new things and older things that were left out, again due to one reason or another.
If this was steam forum, you would be getting clown awards now.
So let do a tl;dr history lesson for you:
CoH1 was a game.
CoH2 was pretty much a mod to CoH1, reusing assets and code everywhere while stripping everything that made CoH1 belowed only to add it back later after their "casualization beam" failure.
CoH3 was made from scratch as new engine had to be written for it, so things were not hard coded as they were in previous games, therefore development time had to go into engine itself instead of using engine to build on, couple that with experienced developers and designers leaving and you have release CoH3. It got to where it should be with 1.4 and is mechanically superior to CoH1 and 2. What's missing now is QoL of low relevance, hence it is not in yet.
DoW3 was management of relic completely losing touch with playerbases of DoW (DoW1 players are not the same as DoW2 players) and their attempt to cater both spectacularly failed on both fronts, the game had absolutely nothing to do with CoH3 or vice versa.
And if you acted like this in real life you would have probably been buried 6 feet below ground until now.
I have been playing CoH since 2006 so I'm pretty aware of it's development history, plus I'm also a modder for it and have other software experience as well. There is a reason why CoH2 had remnants of the original CoH in it and CoH3 has left overs from CoH2 which are even being put to use unlike previously where they just existed in the files. And I also don't believe that you can back up any of your claims with proof. |
Keep in mind that CoH3 is based off of DoW3, which if I remember correctly didn't have a lot of the older normal features so they've had to port a lot of things from CoH2 which of course means that not everything made it for one reason or another. |