Even if the patch were ready a week ago, there are certain scheduling conflicts within Relic (i.e., the crew that will take care of the implementation) that mean there would practically be no difference in the release date.
I understand your hands are tied by relic limitations, and i am not unappreciative of the work you have done in fixing this cluster fuck of a game.
But I'm fed up to the back teeth with the amount of absolute cancerous bs in this game and the qicker this patch is out then the quicker work can start on the next patch, cause i think you will need a few to revive this turd.
So i will continue to rage with all the other fed up mother f***ers and maybe relic will give you guys more free reign. They can f**k off to DOW3 and leave this game to the community as far as i concerned..
PS : I'm rage posting cause of infiltration unit bs, AEC bs, Community map bs and lag bs.....