But some games you dont get to actually play. The server decides you are going to lose and there is nothing you can do about it. And my earlier posts are saying that this it not the coded RNG factors. There is something else going on with server timings or traffic.
That is not some bad roll of RNG. And it has nothing to do with skill. And this shit happens to me EVERY FUCKING GAME.
So the main point is what do you do to mentally accept the fact that the game is broken as all hell and continue trying to enjoy it. Goosefraba.
You did not read my post clearly enough. Enemy mortars sniping me thru FOW on the move. My mortar cant clear a static not moving MG after 50 volleys that is in plain sight.
You seem to have convinced yourself there is some conspiracy or big mystery behind the way the game behaves. In reality the way CoH's multiplayer works is by simulating the gameflow locally on each machine and only exchanging data about player input and the like. There is 0% change 'server lag', 'traffic' or anything like that is affecting accuracy rolls, scatter or anything else aside from the obvious (input lag).
If you actually want to understand the game, try uploading replays of things that seem implausible and people will explain what and why happened, and what the odds of it were.
If you can't handle the stress of competitive RTS and really want to believe some supernatural force is making you lose, keep doing that instead.