Invissed three posts. This thread has been abused enough already, if you cannot follow basic protocol and respect that this is a place for valuable feedback you will quickly find yourself banned.
Okay, so apparently criticising the change of the Flak Emplacement (without being impolite, insulting or in any other way outside the rules of this forum) is no longer valuable feedback. Thanks for that explanation.
Edit: Oh, just to go for it:
Flak Emplacement
* Cost increased from 250/10 to 250/20
* Can now pick-up nearby medkits
This change is no way justified by the performance of the Flak Emplacement. It barely works as a worse MG 34, it dies quicker, it has no redeeming qualities that make it in any way worthy to be chosen. And yet this minuscule change that doesn't do anything to balance this thing justifies making it more expensive? No, it's still useless garbage in the previous DBP version, and it will stay that way with this change.
Meh, the Field Officer ist still boring and pretty much useless. The scenarios where I would select him over a second mortar squad is ridiculously small. The second mortar will serve you better in the long run, and what little actual combat effectiveness you could hope to gain from the Officer squad itself is easily offset by the fact that a well managed mortar won't cost you a single dime to reinforce.
Hell, even another Grenadier squad is a better choice at that point, because with G43s, they will generally perform better in regards to your needs as Ostheer. So if the idea was to provide an alternative to G43-Grens, it doesn't work. Not even slightly.
Osttruppen are still weirdly useless, they do fill a unique role for Ostheer, but at the same time throughout their history, they have always been the answer to a question nobody asked. They had their moments in the sun, but that has been long forgotten with their ridiculous price increases that were never (aren't now) matched by their performance. Why the fuck should I invest ammunition into their LMG, if it does absolutely nothing to help them gain some sort of power? They units they face are still so vastly more powerful than they are, that all you do is throwing ammo away that could have been spent on MGs or G43s for your Grens.
The fortifications are also not very interesting, but that doesn't have to do with this commander, and is an issue on the other side, with artillery making any kind of investment (either resources or time) into fortifications that aren't British emplacements useless. Why the fuck would I hunker down and eat damage (i.e. spend manpower to reinforce), when I can do more by staying mobile? Company of Artillery simply doesn't work well with fortifications, unless they are as ridiculous as the British ones.
Last but not least, the supply drop. Weeeeelllll, it does save you some manpower, but considering that you basically announce to your enemy what you're getting makes it kind of pointless. Not to mention that if you rely on the drop to get you those weapons, they will come too late anyway - you will have the infrastructure up to get them by that point, and there's no way in hell you will forgo that tech - not with Osttruppen having to be reinforced constantly on the go. I just don't see the point of it, I'd never consider using it, unless I were to be in a pretty rough spot. And in that case, I doubt that this ability could pull me out of there.
I don't really know what could be done to improve most of the things in this doctrine (aside from the Officer, which has been pretty obvious since the day he first hit the field), but I do know that in the form as presented in the Preview, I would never pick the commander in a live game. Ain't gonna happen. Elite Troops (or Lightning War) is still more useful, and that's not because that commander is too good... |
Okay, so we have gone from
we feel the OST Panther is more or less in a good spot.

Now in an even better spot.
Is this real? I mean, am I imagining things here? I don't think I took any substances (apart from sherbet), so I guess someone here must have put something in my water. |
The thing is, the Jackson is your ultimate answer to everything, unless you went Pershing, as it's your sole Tank Destroyer and currently it can fail miserably at it's job, due to it's squishyness not allowing it to do any sort of chase to finish of enemy tanks, then there is the HVAP arounds bugging out.
Well, as I said, a really small buff in the range of 300% to everything should fix that. Don't mind the infantry imbalance in favour of USF most of the time, that's besides the point, the real issue is that USF doesn't have a tank destroyer that shits on everything else in the game while also speeding around the map like a fucking go-kart, without ever missing. At this point, you don't even need anything but the Jackson against vehicles anymore, because nothing that is regularly fielded can stand up to it, especially if you make it basically unkillable by raising its health, without lowering its mobility.
That is the real issue here, not that the Jackson got a fucking ridiculous (tiny my arse, I guess Relic wouldn't know tiny when it hit them in the face) health buff, but getting that buff without an adequate downside otherwise. Oh wow, it costs 140 fuel now, big deal for USF, really fucking big deal. |
I'd rather see a penetration buff for the Jackson next, end all of it's memes, you know?
Why not combine it into a complete "miniature tiny change" patch? Buff its armour, damage, range, penetration and speed a tiny wee bit (I suggest 300% for each). Just this very minor amount should be enough, to make the Jackson a valuable tool in the USF toolbox - if you go overboard with it, it might end up being OP, but this way you can't do anything wrong. |
we feel the OST Panther is more or less in a good spot.
So, I guess by this logic, that the Panzer IV is now slightly OP, as it is quite similar in cost to the other medium tanks, and only decently outmatched by them. That sounds fishy to me, let's increase its cost a bit...
The Jackson has received a slight buff to its health.
from 480 to 640
Wow, I don't even have a shitty picture for that anymore. What's gonna happen next? Some more range? "Urgh blurb we feel that the Jackson doesn't quite fulfil its role as a tank hunter, so we raised its damage output a wee bit. Damage from x to 348792347891234678934256789234." |
ITT: Someone who is pissed because he lost a match to USF/Sov.
ITT: Someone who is too mentally challenged to use arguments to support their position.
Huh, it's almost as if those sort of replies contribute nothing to the discussion, cause everybody to get pissed and defensive, and turn the discussion hostile. Good work on achieving nothing but increasing the terribly toxic environment here...
Wait am I just going crazy or what? I can't play right now but I could've sworn the m6 mine is the tm-35 clone you can lay with infantry, and the m5 is the one you get from the m20...
That's because the description of the M20 mine calls it an "M5" mine, which is complete nonsense. The M5 mine is the weaker AT mine Riflemen can put down doctrinally. The game game correctly calls the mine the Brits use an M6 mine, but claims that it is an improved M5 mine, which is again complete bogus. But hey, this is the company that introduced a unit called "Obersoldaten"...
If you read my first post i said that tellers need to go too and thats true, mines are meant to prevent flanks, and normal mines like the soviet, ukf and okw do, they dont need to destroy the vehicle in 1 hit or inmobilize. In 1v1 you rarely see riegels due the commanders that have the riegel are not useful in 1v1, maybe in teamgames where you can see the Elephant commander that has the spotting scopes and the stuka dive bomb but you rarely see the use of riegels also because the halftrack is not a highly uses unit, but in 1v1 is really common to lose your AEC, Stuart, m20, AA Halftrack, t70 to a teller or your 222, luchs to a m6 mine.
Mines are highly situational and easily countered, if you lose a vehicle to a mine, you did something wrong, end of story. Unlike demo charges, mines stop working as soon as they are spotted by minesweepers, so even if you can't immediately disarm a mine, the mine doesn't pose a threat for the time being anymore - again, a demo charge still works, and since Pioneers have to basically sit on top of that thing to kill it, a demo charge is still a threat even when discovered.
And then you are also factually wrong about the Riegelmine, because it doesn't have enough damage to destroy the current version of the T-70 (320 damage vs. 400 health). That means even against light vehicles, you need either an additional Panzerfaust to kill them, or an AT gun - which means the mine works only slightly better against light vehicles than a Soviet TM-35, for a significantly higher cost. |
A nerf to the StuG would have killed Ostheer from the game. However not buffing the Panther keeps T4 out of the game.
Exactly, and Ostheer is already not that great. So all things considered, I'd rather have them not change anything about the StuG and the Panther, instead of nerfing only the StuG (because let's be real, Relic won't do a thing about the Panther, the problem with Ostheer Tier IV has existed for years and they didn't give a shit, why would they start now)... |
No adjustments to the Panther while the Stug remains the same. Ostheer will still have to rely on T3 spam to surfive. Topkek.
That is probably the best that could have happened, imagine a nerf to the StuG without anything else. Oh well, since we all don't have the clarity of vision Relic has, I guess we can never know the true glorious masterplan they have for this game... |