It was strong on release but it delayed USF spamming bars/nades. So it was balanced. Now it's useless and USF spams bars asap. Worthless balance changes. |
Also keep in mind that Combat Engineers and Pioneers are not as combat efficient as other Engineers. It would be a fair trade to allow them to repair better.
USF - Rear Echelons can be given Bazookas for easy leveling. They also get 5th Squad Member at Vet 3 which also increases repair speed on top of the Vet 2 bonus
UKF - Royal Engineers - 5th Man with Upgrade which increases Repair Speed, as well as the Anvil Upgrade which also increases repair speed as well as having bonus repair speed with Vet. Also significantly easier to level due to Piats/Brens
OKW - Sturm Pioneers - Extremely Strong combat unit right at the start of the game, will destroy most units close range, Can get MineSweepers and Toggle them on/off so they dont lose combat potential as well as Panzershreck later on for easy leveling vs vehicles.
This leaves Soviets and Whermacht with by far the worst Engineers in the game in terms of combat potential and overall usefulness.
Having Shared Vet added is perfectly reasonable for these 2 factions. Especially if it comes at T3/T4 or even as a paid research option. This would make up for the lack of combat potential compared to other factions.
I agree with you. This is the best post that best argues for an engineer change in the future. Let's hope this is taken into consideration |
It was a part of meta before the ST 'adjustment'. As was said earlier, 221 is a great tool for early game pressure, tank commander provides great bonuses to the vehicle and HEAT Shells cannot be underestimated + self repair is a handy ability. Duffmann, for example, was spamming it for the long time way before the patch. Although he used it mostly without ST.
Also it used to be 4th picked commander, now it is second picked.
Yeah, that's true, but now the meta has changed, and i am talking about how the game is now, and not how it was in the past. The ST adjustment makes it awesome. |
I am pretty sure that 90% of people that get this commander get it because of the Sturmtiger. Ofc 221 and Heat Shells are nice but overall it would be like removing B4 from Counterattacktactics. Also one needs one other commander that would need to give up one of his abilties in favor of ST
The SturmTiger is correctly the reason why people chose this commander. I absolutely love playing with someone who knows how to use the ST so well. The commander would be forgotten about if it did not have a ST. |
Don't see why that's necessary, especially if the shared vet is locked behind t4
Some factions would have a better end game repair bonus than other factions, but I really don't see a problem with that. Standardisation and making everything the same is really killing the game. |
It is annoying, but after a few weeks I am confident that I have got a few good counters for opponents who go full b4 mode. |
There are more people playing with the perishing but it can be easily countered with panthers. Without calliope playing against usf is much much easier too. |
Yeah, glad we clear that up. Thanks for helping us out. I'm glad that the good people in the community provide clear and correct and precise relic game design history to help the thread topic instead of arguing about petty elements like dictionary schematics. |
Well, he is not far away. I’ve seen concepts for Red Army from 2011-2012, and they mentioned visual differences for building depends on speciality (something like Hammer and Anvil for UKF). So, in the very beginning, idea like that were discussed, but not implemented to the game.
Edit: found it

Exactly, drawings of buildings with a name is not actual game design or implementation. What vipper says is very far fetched from what has been actually done in the closed alpha. I'm annoyed as it is not the first time that she says something that is not actually true at all. So many thanks for showing exactly what is meant |
Pathfinders are fine. They are not a problem. They do shine as weapon crew due to their sight. Don't let them capture your Puppchen or else. |