Also was ESL & warpaint major accomplishments? Nothing really came after ESL. Majority of players & streamers left after ESL and only came back for warpaint (I know because, despite not playing for over a month, a lot of them were still high on the leaderboards #DemBoards). We lost our main balance designer and the balance team but they weren't replaced. The warpaint opening rounds had close to ESL viewership but the finals dropped about 300-500 viewers. There was little point to the physical finals. The penultimate interviews weren't even full screen. Thankfully they got a real webcam for the finals but the audio quality was bad. Ultimately, nothing came from Warpaint.
However Relic is fine with their performance because Warpaint was a commercial to sell skins. The tournament was a way to incentivize the community to buy skins so when the actual tournament started, we saw a lack of Relic support because the tournament served its purpose. There was no real hype. All Kyle did was post a facebook post & a tweet, which weren't promoted (you could get away with not promoting a tweet but a facebook post from a page needs to be promoted due to how the algorithms work; though you would want to promote the shit out the tourny so its a fail to have no ad campaign) Kyle even went on vacation after warpaint started #DatSupport.
At the end of the day, Relic can say all these things to impress their peers & maintain Relic's prestige. However, the truth is far different. No one knows what coh2 is, except for people who remember the original, and it has zero relevance to the esports ecosystem. It is much easier to do the bare minimum so you can say "ESL & Warpaint were a success & We still support our competitive scene" rather than actually making the tournies a success or actually supporting the competitive scene. Relic lacks the tenacity to "hunt with the big dogs & pee in the tall grass" so they stay in their comfort zone. In the comfort zone, they'll continue to make a good ROI from CoH2 and can pad their resume but the trappings of success aren't success. The truth is CoH2 is a failure and Relic doesn't care because they're continuing to make money for the bare minimum of effort.