PPSH upgrade should be non-doctrinal which must be unlocked from hq and then purchased for each conscript (3x ppsh).
At nades and molotovs should be merged as a single unlock but at a higher cost. If they are to remain separate however, then either molotovs must be buffed or their unlock cost must be reduced.
Other than this I would say conscripts are fine since they have good utility and low reinforce costs. |
To me 2v2's, 3v3's and 4v4's are all "sand from the same bag" as people from my country say and if you havent played the game for so long why are you trying to shut down the active players dreams? Even though this is something mostly impossible to achieve for coh2 it can show relic and sega that this community really wants this and who knows if there will be a coh3 and who knows if they actually make the game esports worthy.
Never said I was trying to shut down players dream they can do it all they want but its simply unrealistic for coh2 atm and if you read my previous posts you would see that I also mentioned that its still achievable but only in a newly made game (not coh2). Also putting all team players into the same bag is a pretty ignorant thing to say especially since the majority of the community comes from these games modes despite the emphasis on 1v1. |
I mean, nothing is impossible and the community seems to want it...
I cant stop feeling that the people that dont want this to happen are some casual 4v4 players, for some odd reason.
A coh2 tournament does not by any means=esports not even the actual esports that coh2 had wasn't all that successful either, it has to be sustainable for longer than just a few months. If you are trying to imply that I'm a casual 4v4 player then you are horribly wrong I was top 30 2v2s and top 10 3v3 for ages. I haven't played the game for months because the game is extremely stale and it takes way too long for patches to be released.
Ofc people want coh esports that would be awesome but its simply unrealistic at the moment thanks to relic's incompetence and the small playerbase which cannot be remedied no matter how many successful community tournaments there are. |
With all due respect Wada I think its time to drop the whole coh esports dream. Relic had their chance and they blew it, and the only way I can see coh esports happening is if another coh game is released, the playerbase is just far too low right now.
There is always hope for Dow3 esports hopefully relic learn from their mistakes, you make good points but I don't think they are gonna be heard unless you get in contact with them by email. Even then I doubt they will take it into much consideration. |
No, because then the factions with an early or mid game advantage will be favoured since they will have an edge in more stages of the game than a faction which is only strong late.
If all factions were to have equal late game strength then none should have an advantage in other stages of the game, but ofc that would be boring and we don't want that. |
This ability pretty much guarantees that any flank you make will be successful. The AOE is pretty rediculous. |
Stop trying to get everything perfect and just patch the fucking game.
There will be no players left by the time the patch arrives.
+1. Dying of old age here. |
People still cry about the RNG in 2017?
Both Company of Heroes can be played "e-sport like" if you want (like organizing your own cup), RNG just spices things up and makes this game a gem.
How about stop blaming RNG, Relic, the tree that blocked your tank, your grenadier why he missed that clutch shot on the retreat Ranger squad with his 420 no scope lmg, Commanders, teammate or maps coz you got rekt and couldnt win $$$.
Nothing personal against wada and the others but it's just annoying af how people still wannabe CoH epic masters and re-work the game coz they can't take a defeat like a man and gotta blame something.
Oh look, I'm top 10 pro player because I abooouse OP stuff...relic plz change the game to my taste coz I'm pro af and wanna earn $$$ while making CoH great again.
If you want a competitive game go play games designed for E-sports and tourneys but leave CoH alone.
We had tons of tourneys for both titles, all them were amazing (yes, we had RNG all the way). I guess it can't be a coincidence. 
God I hope this game will never be an e-sport title. It's made for fun for the common folks.
Yes yes, keep ranting like a fool. Everyone wants to see you make a complete idiot of yourself.  |
I think Wada is right there needs to be more consistency in this game. Especially when excessive rng tends to be more frustrating for the player than "fun".
That being said rng makes the game entertaining to watch and more unpredictable which is good in a way but that doesn't mean it will be sacrificed if some small elements of rng are changed. It is very possible to the game more skill dependent without making it more 'boring' unlike people are suggesting. |
Why get rid of the oorah on penals if the RA is also being reduced? It seems like this is counter intuitive to the new close range upgrade of penals. I can see them struggling to close the distance on long range infantry squads and flank mgs in the late game without oorah or even the RA, one of these bonuses should have been left the same. |