Make sure your anti virus is not blocking CoH2
try this
Since it says your art files are corrupt, you could try deleting them and have verify cache fix it?
Perhaps your hard drive is too full, delete a game you do not play anymore.
Ok I double checked your suggestions from the first comment and again, nothing.
And I triple checked my anti-virus (Windows Defender), still nothing.
Flushing as I expected sadly also doesn't work.
I deleted the "corrupt" files, I even deleted the entire folders, Steam just re-downloads the corrupt files again. Verifying the game cache doesn't work either, says some things are corrupt and need to be re-downloaded, it redownloads them and still says it has corrupt files in the download.
I have at least 40 gigs on both of my partitions.
Strange thing is I'm running into 2 additional problems now:
Bayonetta from my friend's shared library also tells me that there is something wrong with it's files and it doesn't also download.
And Dota 2 gave me the same problems a couple of weeks ago when I wanted to delete my items from there.
The other problem I'm having is that my disk usage stays at 100% most of the time and now I'm also trying to fix it as well.
It's really weird, the 100% disk usage and the download problems sort of came along hand in hand together like 1 or 2 or 3 weeks ago out of nowhere.
And I don't think it's my hard disk, altho this is an old laptop from 2011 I don't think it's that fucked up, unless there is dust built up inside it, but then again why and how would dust manage to fuck with the HDD, I think dust can only cause trouble for fan components such as the processor and video card.
Is this the only similar problem you encounter? Read/write errors may indicate corrupted RAM. You may want to run a RAM check, for example -
Yeah... Thanks for the suggestion but I doubt it's my RAM.