Hello, so I just thought of this today after watching this video about Dawn of War III:
Arch brought up Dawn of War's morale system which got me thinking, what if CoH, CoH 2 and any future Company of Heroes games had a morale system similar to Dawn of War's one?
Morale was basically a different but similar suppression system where a squad could be "broken" by heavy incoming fire or taking a lot of casualties, reducing the unit's effectiveness and making the squad prone to being easily wiped out.
Now I'm not sure how this would work in CoH, but I remember a few of CoH's mods had a "surrender" mechanic where a squad would surrender if: it took a lot of casualties, was against overwhelming odds or it was taking on immense fire, it was either one of the 3 or a combination but I'm not so sure how it was caused exactly, but the squad just surrendered if the criteria was met.
So how I would imagine it would work in CoH 2 would be that you had a secondary bar, above the or under the health bar, like in DoW, where morale would be. This bar would indicate your squad's morale.
So, it would basically combine with the suppression system when facing MGs, but only the morale would be put into effect during ordinary combat.
If a squad meets with an overwhelming force, or sustains many casualties (or other squads around it sustain heavy casualties, or get wiped out) or takes a lot of incoming enemy fire, it's morale will drop and the unit will be rendered less effective, so a smart player would be wise as to spread out his units more instead of just bunching them up and A-moving them altogether. So instead of just getting a debuff from just having a lot of units in a single area, you would lose morale and get suppressed from an active factor, not a passive such, which would be more logical.
So if you have 3 squads, and decide to move them altogether to a single area, they wouldn't get a debuff, but if they are met with a similar or smaller force in a better position, which is not in the open, they will not be able to roflstomp them because of 2 things: You will lose more morale if you are not in cover, and you will lose morale because of the amount of troops you will lose until you reach said enemy's covered position, so having the tactical advantage of having units in a better position will win the battle.
However, if even one or 2 squads are in a good position behind heavy cover, they will not be able to hold out against enemies that are coming from multiple directions or are out-flanking them, again having the tactical advantage win you the battle.
So cover will be a huge factor for morale, just like it was in the first DoW. You could just take it as a similar fight to an MG, you can't just roflstomp an MG with a blob head on, most of the time, because you will get suppressed, so you try to flank it somehow and come at it from different directions. The situation with morale would be similar, altho the "broken" squad would not be suppressed or pinned like it would be from an MG, unless there are loads of weapons aimed at the squad, but would take more casualties and would be less effective since it wouldn't be in a tactically advantageous position.
Now, a few things here, first of all, I am not sure if this has been brought up before, if it has, I apologise but I haven't noticed it.
And second, yes, an anti-blob debuff would be easier, less complex and faster, but what I propose is a smarter and easier for casuals system that would not only help the competitive people of the community, but the casual part of the community as well, because of the added graphic of a "morale bar" and the easier explanation of "morale" rather than just telling someone they will get a debuff if they stack their units together.
I am not sure how to implement this, or how much performance it would take compared to the simple anti-blobbing debuff, but I just thought I'd throw it out there as an idea, maybe someone with the necessary modding knowledge, experience and time will be able to whip up something presentable so we can see if my idea will actually work.
Well, that's about it, sorry for my long paragraphs of text but I'm trying to cover all possible angles and questions about my idea.
Cheers and have a nice day.