Blobbing has it's own place such as emplacements. The problem is that some factions dont have a supression platform that reaches a minimum standard and thus cant supress the said blob. One way to fix blobs would be to "link" the supression effect of close together squads making one hmg, that is targeting and supressing a squad, supress direcly nearby squads to that said squad.
Imo a moral system doesnt have a place in coh, reason being that what some people are saying would be a good moral system sounds like (to me) the supression system we already have, not to say that moral system fits best a game like steel division because it has a bigger scale of battle while in coh you have a more squad tactical fight over a town or field. The moral system would be best implemented in coh in things such as the ardennes assault campaign where if a company would suffer a lot of losses or would be surrounded by multiple enemy company's would lose some moral, taking some kind of effect on the troops.
I was thinking about morale being a sort of "addition" to the suppression mechanic in the game actually, since if you look at the history of Relic, the suppression mechanic came up from the first Dawn of War.
So in effect, I'm trying to bring something back, and not actually implement something new, well, it would be new for the CoH series of games, but it would be taken from the core roots of Relic's old game design. |
So you mean there should be a mechanic like in Total War games and Steel Division? It seemed so, reading your post.
I have not played Steel Division for more than 30 minutes because it just went on crashing but now that you mention it, yeah Total War's morale system sounds something similar to the first Dawn of War's morale system and what I'm trying to aim at.
Of course, both of those are larger scale tactical games but I think it could also work in CoH's smaller scale as well if executed correctly, but like I said, I haven't tested it so I can't say it will work 100% like I imagine it would from a practical point of view.
But on paper at least the idea sounds interesting. |
Well, you're looking for solutions that would reduce blobb effectiveness without a single improvement from your playing.
So you could have your unmanaged HMG42 standing somewhere and denying the area to a biggest force just because mechanisms allow you to do so.
Learning to counter blobb is part of the learning curve of the game. If you believe blobbing is that strong, you're 100% wrong.
No, I do not believe it's strong, I believe it is frustrating to circumvent, that's why I made this topic in the first place.
Of course any half brained monkey could learn how to effectively counter blobs, but again, this is NOT the point of this topic.
Any further comments of yours arguing that anybody who dares to speak their mind against blobbing should just learn to counter them will be ignored because this is again, NOT the point of the topic, if you want to continue with that dementor I suggest you find or make a different topic about it. |
When you combine this morale idea with massive soviet casualties, sounds like it would really nerf soviets over anyone else in the game.
You do have a point, however as I mentioned, numbers would also count for something since you'd be able to more easily overwhelm enemies using that strength, if of course you don't just use human wave tactics but intelligently flank and tactically approach the enemy's position.
Blindly running towards the enemy in the open or even in cover (for extended periods of time) will not work for anybody, not just the Soviets. |
Not trying to bash you based on skill my point is the term blob is tossed around so much here and in game over half the people that talk about it have like some code of honor where they think the game should be played with nearly 50% support units. As for the actual blobbing theres just so many things with the design in general that promotes blobbing and I don't think a balance tweak or two will change it.
There are many other discussions on blobbing and how to deal with it.
This is a discussion of an idea, so I don't think it should be turned into a "OMG you're a noob learn how to deal with it" or "Nerf this, buff this and presto, blobbing is rendered less effective".
I want to see what people think of my idea, not what people think of my skill at the game or what they think should be done to circumvent blobbing.
That's not the point of this topic. |
I think the general answer you get is simple: get better. Being casual isn't a excuse. Since you have so much time to spend in this forum, you could also use this time to document yourselve on getting better, ia watching games, lurking the strategic factions forums, asking questions instead of being full of certitude you are right when you are obvioulsy not.
And where did I say I was right?
This is a topic about my suggestion to a widely known problem.
But yet you think I'm some noob that made this topic to complain because I can't deal with blobbing. |
I posted this a year ago, seems relevant.
This is sadly not relevant to the given topic.
Nowhere did I bitch or moan about getting my ass handed to me from blobbers.
I am only merely making this suggestions out of spite for the less decent and more casual players of the CoH 2 community, which like I already mentioned, are the majority of said community, like it or not.
If you don't believe me, feel free to go on the Steam forums and see for yourself, I am not making anything up.
But if anything else, please continue to humor me by posting such stuff when it doesn't even have anything to do with me, I love people thinking I'm some sort of noob even when I have more than a thousand hours in game. |
Won't work. Not because idea is shit, but too complicated for the supposed mass audience Relic wants to sell to.
I mean if anything, CoH3 will have neither suppression nor morale, or even munitions cost, given the way DoW3 turned out ;/
Relic will have to innovate if they want to cater to their fan base and remain in business, since the way I see it is that if they pull off another flop such as Dawn of War 3, that might be their last mistake before getting shut down by SEGA. |
CoH3 should just have anti-blob units like we have now. Sturmtigers, Short range Katy's, Calliopes, mines and demo charges, stuka, dive bomb, etc.
honestly the only thing that makes blobs super annoying is when they double wield certain weapons. Tommies with double brens all blobbed up can annihilate absolutely anything that isn't bulletproof nearly instantly. Or RE blobs with double zooks can kill a KT in just a couple vollies.
But most of the time when I see a blob I see a huge opportunity to make the other team rage quit by bringing out the ST, Katy, calliope, or whatever it may be.
And what if CoH 3 is based on the Africa or Pacific fronts, we bring in specialized units from there? Why limit yourself with doctrinal units, when new systems could be implemented to combat issues?
And how about melee? Relic missed a huge opportunity by not implementing melee combat in CoH 2 because the most savage melee combat was on the Eastern Front, the Pacific came a close second to that.
There are many unexplored territories which Relic can explore, I see no sense in limiting ourselves to what already exists.
We need to think outside the boundaries, or we may never evolve. |
998 posts talking about a game he has exactly 12 games in. Best requirements for suggestions to change game mechanics.
I had a hunch you'd show up here, my gut hasn't lied to me for the past 2 months.
As for your argument, I've said many times that I am not a competitive person, I represent the casual part of the community, which is the also the bigger part of the community, that just plays for fun after a long and hard day of work, something which you probably haven't experienced.
I have more than a thousand hours in game, which is still experience, I may not face pro opponents, but I still may face similar situations as the rest of you on these forums, so my points and feedback are still valid.
Oh and, I am not vouching for changing game mechanics, as I said in the main topic, which you probably didn't entirely read, I'm just throwing ideas out there I had come up with in hopes that if implemented, may ease people with the frustration of facing blobs all of the time.
That's all. |