It is a RTS game, that's the way it is. I stated that the mortar even is an exception because every unit needs some kind of babysitting. The mortar was IMO never meant to fire at every single soldier it sees. Just see it from a Rock Paper Scissor point of view:
Mortar: Rock
Support weapons: Scissors
Infantry: Paper
The mortar (Rock) is meant to counter Supports (Scissors) and should die from Inf (Paper). But currently the Rock simply hammers against Scissors AND Paper and can mostly only be countered by other Rocks, which should not be the case. You have to face MGs and PaKs and you have to maneuver your inf through the battlefield. How hard would it be to tell your mortar to "barrage this MG here"?
As I said, it's the same with all support weapons currently EXCEPT indirect fire units. By your logic, a PaK should place its cone to where a tank will appear if it is visible on the minimap. Same for MGs. But that's not the case. A mortar automatically barrages the last position, an enemy soldier was seen. Why doesn't the PaK automatically face the last tank that has been seen too?
If somebody forgets his Katy or Stuka then it is his own fault. Don't invest in a unit you don't use.
Sorry but all your points state are just some kind of "lazy logic". While removing auto barrages would add bit more micro to the game, it would also make the game way less hectic. In my opinion all the RNG wipes and losses from auto barrages require much more micro because your units are being under fire and dying all the time without any further micro investment from your enemy.
Sorry for double posting but: The 17 pounder, as far as I remember, didn't have a visual arc, and it auto-rotated.
So there.
And no, it's not lazy logic, it's casual logic.
Not everybody can be competitive high APM starcraft 2 "pros".
Some people just wanna get back from work and play a few comp stomps or something without worrying about babysitting a 260/280 man power unit.
And I think that you will find that your logic is wrong, all support units fire automatically, they just need to be set up in a direction in order to fire in that direction. What you're suggesting is the removal of the auto-fire ability of the mortar, which as you might have noticed by your poll, is a big no no to most of the community.
As your poll suggests, more people are against it than for it.
What I suggest is that the auto-barrage be simply nerfed, and have the ability buffed.
So the auto-barrage will just chip away at squads and kill a model or 2 at the most, while the barrage ability will be the heavy damage dealer and will be the what the mortar was designed for, precise mortar strikes for let's say, garrisons.
But removing it completely will erupt civil wars between the competitive high APM "pros" and the more casual players of the community, which is the majority.
Though I can't agree with removing Auto-Fire from all Mortars. They are there to ease the burden of your forces, not add to them through a micro tax. Think of how much attention you'll have to give them when using a Soviet Mortar for example with 4 rounds for every barrage. Might be an overnerf. :/
Admittedly, this would be a nice excuse to add a mobile alternative but alas... We are years past the Beta stages. Would have loved to see a Universal Carrier armed with a Mortar.
No, you are just de facto twisting my words.
And when I said replace them I actually meant my idea for the replacing of the pit with a mobile mortar while keeping the emplacement as a garrisonable such and not one that comes already with mortars inside.
And I said them because I was just finished replying in the other active topic about emplacements.
And you need to learn about business and Relic's wishes. They designed a Faction with Emplacements being a core feature and will never agree to get rid of them, no matter how much begging is thrown their way. Mobile core alternatives are never going to happen. Call me a cynic but the only way it will happen is through a new Commander (Would love to see the Universal Mortar Carrier too) but there's no point holding out hope for them. Want a mobile mortar? Steal one off the enemy because that's the closest you are going to get. Changes to what we currently have is far more likely to happen.
And you should learn to read better, nobody said remove emplacements altogether, or at least I didn't.
Oh and the 17 pounder and bofors already have mobile alternatives, those being the Firefly and Centaur AA, the mortar pit has an alternative in the land matress but it's doctrinal, costs fuel and is too man power expensive in order to be an effective alternative to the mortar pit, and the Brits are already manpower deprived.
But people all over the place are bitching about the pit in the live version, there's been like 3 separate threads in the last week about emplacements op and brits still don't have a counter to double isg, double mortar.
There will always be bitching.
I think I first saw the artillery pit idea on a thread by you btw.
Yeah I've been vocal about it every since I saw the mod, thanks for supporting the idea.
Bofors idea kinda sounds like a modified hull down with bofors. Also reminds me of command and conquer games where you could deploy and repack your MCV which is where your buildings were constructed. Not really sure about it. Sounds like there could be some real hidden cheese in there if you just sat a bofors on your opponets cutoff/fuel.
As for the mortar pit, this idea has been tossed around many times before of making a garrisonable "trench" for the now mobile UKF mortar team. 1st though, no GrW mortar, that mortar is the best for a reason and I don't think people would be happy to see it have mortar pit range, GrW accuracy, RoF buff and heavy cover on all sides. USF mortar, maybe even the soviet tin can mortar.
IMO I think there's are just some concepts that should be left out of the game. Emplacements is one of them as they're stale and don't provide good fun for either party. Similar to blizzards and cold tech. They tried it but it didn't pan out so it was scrapped.
Well like the OKW MG and USF mortar, if they add a Mobile mortar to the Brits people are gonna bitch about it not being unique, so this is one way to keep it unique and balanced.
Wehr/Ost has both the worst repair rates and worst repair options.
Soviets have Combat Engineers and doctrinally can repair their vehicles in 3 different ways.
USF can repair their vehicles in 2 different ways.
Same goes for Brits and OKW.
Wehr is only left with the slow repairing pioneers.
It could either use an ability for the Panzergrenadiers to be able to repair vehicles, like in CoH, where it would also help combined arms, or have an upgrade for the bunker like someone else said in this topic.
Just either remove the reinforcement upgrade or combine it with the medical one.
So you'd still get 3 upgrades, one for the MG, one which will both heal and reinforce but it will have an increased munitions cost and the repair upgrade, which can use the command bunker upgrade model for the bunker so there would be no need for new models.