Plea to forum users:
Ok this needs to be said and I'm going to absolutely beg forum users,
Please actually read the notes properly and actually play this balance test before commenting, we need your actual advice based on evidence not pulled-out-of ass "I reckon" material, it just clogs up communication channels and if you're not basing it on experience it's practically worthless to Mr. Smith and co.
This is a lot more time sensitive than previous patches, it's small, it's fast, and it's gotta be tight. Or it won't happen.
Please read the notes properly, play them in game, offer good feedback.
What part of Brits need a none-doctrinal none-fuel costing in-direct fire unit that is mobile and easy to balance is not making sense to you exactly?
My suggestion about replacing the pit with a garrisonable emplacement and putting a mobile 3-inch mortar team in T1 covers both concerns about mobility of the British Army and balance cries of the Axis about the pit in it's current state being OP.
Of course it can be expanded upon but for now there is no sensile reason why not to at least experiment with it.
It's also in the scope this time so...