you mean like other units? like the bofors? didnt you not want to compare it with the bofors yet, want to apply things from other units to flak. If you want to add pop cap to it, then you better damn well give it brace and the ability to target enemy units as well as removing the toggle between AA and ground and finally buffing its AA to pre nerf levels
*Sighs deeply*
The bofors has nothing to do with the flak hq and it has nothing to do with my opinion that the flak hq should have a popcost Like
I already said, I think almost everything should have a popcost, such as bunkers as well. Unless you pay per each use, which is another option someone suggested
Calm the fuck down and stop making demands. Saying it needs multiple significant buffs just because I suggested adding a popcost of 5 is absurd