Snipers are effective versus OKW, this doesn't even touch on the fact that Volks aren't actually all that useful anymore outside of being literal meat to cap with due to the Rackten buffs.
Wow one of the best infantry units in the game getting thrown under the bus for the Rakenten. Ok, whatever.
But seriously the Soviet sniper's aim time is so high that obers walking towards it will be within range before the first model drops. At this point the Soviet player has to retreat. Tip: It may not be a good idea to push on Soviet sniper with high MP reinforcing squads. Falls dropping out of buildings don't care about losing a model, if they do they should be easily trading for 1 or both sniper models.
Soviet sniper is not as good as Ost sniper, and this is going to be painfully obvious with Brits. When Soviet sniper had sprint it was arguably better, but not now. I play a lot with the Soviet Sniper and I always prefer the Ost sniper.
As OKW I don't care at all about Soviet snipers I just build more volks. Then he has a choice: go Guards to try to stop light vehicles and get a squad that is not optimal to take down infantry and costs him 75 munitions just to do that, or go shocks and be open to getting destroyed by light vehicles, or tech to T2 and slow his run to T3 and build an AT gun (and likely not got T4). Meanwhile I can go med to stay on field or mech to get light vehicles, or ignore that and go to commanders (or if I am really winning go Schwer and get a Luchs to hunt them down).