the butterfly mines is heavily nerf compare to coh2 butterfly
Butterfly Bomb Drop
Airdrops Butterfly Bombs on the target position that take 5 seconds to arm and become camouflaged after landing. Butterfly Bombs are stationary mines that detonate when enemy units pass over them, dealing damage to infantry and deals Crew Shock critical to vehicles. Shocked vehicles or vehicles below 50% receive Engine Damage critical.
if you not instant retreat,the mine still give you 5second to react. the coh2 butterfly bomb is intant explosion.
and from my opinion , if you cant dodge this 12sec early warning (plane fly+5s take effect) bomb drop, anyother
artillery you still cant avoid.
and you dont know what is the OP artillery, the axis op artillery is v1 rock and Anti-Tank overwatch.
You're missing the point, which comes as no surprise. Axis have many more abilities that are easier to deploy and more effective than anything Allies have. With much less effort, Axis can gain exponentially more benefit, while Allies have to orchestrate multiple units and abilities just to keep up. But keep whining about how Allies are OP. |
keep a Engineer with minesweepers in the ballte ,all the mines are disabled cant explosion.
Brilliant, you must be the brains here. I suppose I should keep one minesweeper with every battle group I send out to multiple engagements across the map ? And then pay special attention to keep them from getting focused fire ? Trying to clear a minefield so my troops can advance but engis being pinned by MGs and knowing that these mines will delete my tanks if I advance? Axis have all these brainless one click abilities that always seem to result in Allied having to significantly up their micro game while axis sit back and fucking cruise. Minefields upon minefields with extra minefield from the sky and reinforced barricades ? Sure. Bunkers every 2 feet? Why not. While we're at it, why not make axis troops invisible ? Amazing. By contrast, most if not all Allied abilities require extra micro again. Changeable parts on the M3, making sure some units are close enough to others to grant aura, running a fuel truck to a depot, etc... gimme a break with your "AlLiEs oP !!!" |
If any designers are reading this: what the actual fuck. A one click ability that drops a ton of mines at once, denying large areas and seriously damaging/ killing both infantry and armor. Can you just rename this game "We Have Boners for Axis" and be done with it ?
EDIT : I realize its also the minefields and S-mines. Ridiculous. |
dude, stfu. All I have to say is "butterfly mines". Another Axis no-skill, no-sweat ability that denies wide swaths of the field and damages infantry and armor alike. |
The "trash" game design that caused the OP to lose about 300 ELO was a small buff to the US MG suppression. It's still not great, nor as good as the MG42, but it isn't completely worthless like it was before the patch. The OP now needs slightly bigger blobs to A-move through US mg's.
At 1600+ ELO's, four US players have a win percentage of 33%. It goes up to an average of 44% when there are Brit's in the mix.
Most of the time the TTK is really long compared to COH2. It isn't like COH2 where you could look at the other part of the map for a second and lose units. The exception to that is a couple of the off-map abilities. DAK has the COH3 versions of artillery cover, zeroing, and the stuka loiter. In 4v4's, better players will coordinate their off-maps and delete all of the units in a large area. In comparison, the US has a couple of hard hitting off-maps that will really do some damage if it takes you more than six seconds to respond to the smoke.
PS - true to Relic's form, US rifles are still overtuned so US is a good 1v1 faction.
those stats tell the tale... |
Yeah, I think my frustration with people who play Australian is that they all seem to think that the specialist troops are good at CQC, so they create a bunch of those and run them at the enemy. I won't argue that the emplacements aren't good despite being obvious targets for arty. Indian BG is all right but my main frustration is that a lot of the arty abilities take too long to acquire. Also the Ghurkas are fairly useless until they vet. The heavy mortar itself is 400mp. For something that is slow and ponderous to move and an easy target for arty, I would rather spend that 400 on something else. |
I'm glad somebody said it and the team game stats don't lie. The game favors Axis in most ways and doesn't so much reward good gameplay and sound strategy as it does identifying the meme units and exploiting them. As a Allied main, I find that mistakes are harshly punished and there is almost no point in fielding a well-balanced force using good tactics. You'll get steamrolled anyway by whatever the thing is now; a million little flamethrower tanks, PG spam, MG spam, radar trucks the enable the easy bombarding of any emplacements, flakvierlings, neverending bunker walls that cost next to nothing and require more than one satchel to destroy...not to mention numerous mechanisms to cripple resource gathering from the beginning of the game. Add to that maps that lend themselves to camping and the creation of easy chokepoints, and Axis have an even easier time. To add insult to injury, these idiots have the nerve to think they're actually good. Finally, you can't quit now without being penalized even though it's very often a foregone conclusion at some point and your team refuses to surrender. And then Axis whiners have the balls to complain about Rangers. Are they strong ? They sure are. Do I love using them for that reason ? Fucking right I do. It feels good to have at least a few units that can fight back effectively. If you're complaining that you're having a hard time as Axis in team games, you must be worse than bad, as everything is stacked in your favour. |
is this site basically just whiners, or does anyone have useful strats to suggest ? For example, I find that the only UKF doctrine that's any good is Air and Sea. Has anyone had any luck with others ? Or, it seems axis pio spam is making a comeback, is there an allied equivalent ? |
yeah, I used to get a bunch of AT rifles and that didn't work out well. Much better with Brens, even on infantry sections. For Gurkhas, I get Thompsons. Not great at first but much better vetted. |
Just curious if UKF players invest in these. I usually get at least one on the first squad to scare off light vehicles, but are they worth getting more than one ? Lately, I've even been skipping getting any and not really being punished for it. Much rather have Brens. |