You're giving me your banana? That's weird, I didn't know monkeys liked to share 
if this make you feel better , go ahead
im very kind to low iq people
Anyway, I'm done arguing with a retarded toddler. He hasn't played any other faction than DAK, he hasn't posted any replays to support his claims, and despite boasting of a high winrate, somehow also says that he's tired of losing to "OP allies". At this point, he's either trolling, or is genuinely stupid. Once I post this, here's what will happen: he will find a way to gloat that he won the argument and that he's right. Like playing chess with a pigeon: no matter what you do, the pigeon will knock everything over, shit all over everything, and then strut around like it won. 
you are right, i agree with all your elo800 opinion。 LOL |
I don't think anyone is expecting this fellow to make intelligent statements at this point. He's somehow very hung up about ELO but has very little experience or common sense overall. Boasting about his "ELO" as if that makes a difference while simultaneously confessing about getting his ass handed to him by any Allied player. Mods should lock this one.
i can understand , because for a 800 elo player, every enemy unit is OP. |
Its true regardless of my elo
Youve played over 4000 games and your flexing on someone whos played 600
That link shows the 1v1 elo rating, which is a gamemode you dont even play dumbass
yes yes yes, come here eat your banana, if you can count one to ten, i give you another one |
You realize that every sentence you write makes you look 10X dumber than most of us thought possible?
If you think being good at coh3 = intelligence, you are by far the dumbest person still posting here
Hope this reality check was helpful, carry on
elo 1200.。。。。。。
so i can understand why you said that |
what in the name of all that's holy are you talking about ? Is that why you're bad at the game ? You spend all your time looking for obscure shit to back up stuff you're already determined to believe ? Just un-install, man.
i found your player card~`~~
what can i say??
elo 800+/
man, im not mean to hurt you, but , test your iq first
a man played coh2 before only have 800 elo in coh3
what can i say
what in the name of all that's holy are you talking about ? Is that why you're bad at the game ? You spend all your time looking for obscure shit to back up stuff you're already determined to believe ? Just un-install, man.
if your elo is below 1800, you can just quite and leave, elo under 1800 is all monkey or have brain issue, but i think you must above 1800, because you have 280+ post, must have high elo, so post your player card,ok? |
according to your playercard, you are a 1800 ELO DAK-only hero in 4v4.
THESE are the winrates of 4v4 at your ELO range in patch 2.0

Yet somehow you come here claiming that axis are weak. Looks like you really are kinda bad at a game that's already made for the inept, with the dumbest faction to top it all off.
the 1800+ 2.00-2.03 elo wht is now 40.6percent winrate
why 2.00 winrate is 57.5percent , 2.00-2.03 total winrate is 40.6percent?
seems 2.01-2.03 wht players is really become retards after fix the Grenadier bug? not the wht is weak?
There's still a bar visible for Allies. Must be OP then!
If you even dont know 2.0-2.01 Grenadier have bug, that means you dont play this game