Never. Post your playercard
just drop to 1800 low elo area from 2077
Have you played team games recently in 4v4?
from elo2069 down to 1740,whats your elo |
6:ally call in artillery is insane
Recon Artillery
A recon plane will loiter the target area, providing vision and revealing camouflaged units. Enemies within the area will be attacked by artillery. Wide blast radius. Very effective against stationary units.
P-47 Anti-Infantry Loiter
Deploys two P-47s to loiter over the target area for a limited duration. Engages infantry units within the area.
most two OP call in |
1:coh2 players all know pre-arranged team have big advantage VS random team, in coh3 they even remove team ladder score
2:dingo is the strongest unit in early game and axis all neither have any unit nor any upgrade anti-vehicle weapon but
ally all have (boys sector and bazooka)
3:ally have many method to deal with HMG in the beginning, they can reveal the fog and call artillery barrage or have smoke grenade (sector dingo scout),what wht and dak have? only dak have 250+flamethrower, but a dingo can easily kill it
4: 90fuel grant , 100fuel panzerIV, joke?
5:ranger still not nerf |
8: if you cost 1000+ mp to the tech ,and you can find your panzer iii is still a shit |
1: cant deal with hmg
if you say flamethrower 250 , you should first know dingo can easily kill 250, the mortar 250 cost 250+150+80ammo(?)
the LE IG 18 cost more. when it come out , you have lost most point
2: infantry is weak and expensive
3: Professional anti infantry light vehicle 8rad killing efficiency even lower than grayhound and stuart
4: stug and marder have no turret , is slow and low rotation
5:battlegroup have too much useless ability
6: no recon
7: panzer iii have the lowest accuracy (even less than half of matilda accuracy)
usf can save 49percent reforce manpower, so every usf intanry is much more powerful than other function.
you can simplely just spam infantry and save fuel to research the infantry tech.
if enemy have hmg, you have captain forward retreat, and flank the hmg |
yes,ranger are OP
they vet1 have 15percent damage reduce, vet3 have addition 10percent damage reduce, and they have 840hp, plus 25percent reduce they have 1000+hp,Ammunition Storage+M2A1, M2A1 Barrage is only 30s cooldown, and reddit tested tech+heal camp = 49percent manpower reforce reduce. the ranger reforce cost is only 26manpower,even cheaper than dak pg