Most of these look to be in good order, but changes to German heavies is unwise. If the German heavy tanks are going to get better at vet 0 then their counterparts need to be brought in line. For instance the IS2 is now outright worse next to the Tiger. It receives no buffs until vet 2 (vet 1 is useless) and until then the Tiger I and II will now out range it. This is in spite of the fact that German AT has higher penetration values, and as such is more of a threat to IS-2, than Soviet AT is to German tanks.
Buffs to ISG are also unwarranted as this unit performs above cost currently.
Did Jagdpanzer active "mind control" camo get a fix with the modification to cloaked retreating infantry?
Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: SEPTEMBER 17TH PATCH NOTES15 Sep 2015, 14:47 PM
In: Lobby |
Thread: LeIG is too effective11 Sep 2015, 16:38 PM
What are you talking about? I did not complain about the one shot ability and at what point did I address the Pack Howie? Stop attacking straw men. You also conveniently left out all the things that separate ISG from a mortar, like its longer range, and green cover for crew. Part of the issue is also that the ISG can sit safely by the FHQ and just pound away at everything. The user has minimal input. While I find with the Howie I am constantly moving it to keep it in the fight without dying. Though I do agree that both of these units are very weird. If you let mortars just sit then you are not using them right. Almost every time they barrage they should be on the move immediately after. They are close support weapons and they act like it. ISG acts like a cheap artillery piece which require minimal input from user. Ignore the barrage on the ISG if you want, I use it regularly and find it quite useful. You don't use it all the time because letting the gun acquire and fire freely is more helpful since the suppression is best spread around. A nerf appears to you to be a stat drop so that the unit functions less well. In my mind nerf means to change the unit so that it cannot fulfill the role it currently plays because it is unfair for other players. Here a nerf could mean a reduction in range but an increase in RoF or accuracy. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: LeIG is too effective11 Sep 2015, 12:45 PM
This unit is too mindless. Its long range allows it to be dropped in place by the player and left. There it can rack up kills without any input from player. The unit needs nerfs in some form. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Balance Preview Update 09/09/201510 Sep 2015, 20:38 PM
+1 In: Lobby |
Thread: okw off-maps10 Sep 2015, 18:56 PM
A lot of them are buggy, for instance the Airborne Assault SHOULD have an AT strafe but it doesn't. Scavenge Artillery doesn't actually scale with munitions barely at all anymore either. Honestly Relic should rework all off maps to be like the British ones. I don't understand this. Are you saying in the files it says there should be an AT strafe? Because otherwise I completely disagree. Why should you for 200 munitions, and get a 90 munition strafe, 2 60 munition pins (assuming CAS values and 3 planes) and 1 Falls squad? Let's do your 0.66 modifier so 300 munitions so 300-90-(60*2) = 90 munitions for Falls. Or as it currently operates, 120 munitions for Falls. And assuming a long game where you have one or two heavy tanks you are free to convert everything to munitions and call this down whenever. Also feel free to let the falls die (you did not spend a single MP on them) and keep your pop cap open, or retreat them when they need to run and store up some vet. Don't forget the free LoS that the planes give you, and the ability to call it into the FoW. Converting munitions to MP is unheard of for any other faction or doctrine so this ability has an interesting place. The other OKW abilities are questionable. They have limited uses, but probably deserve to be looked at in some fashion. They could easily become OP so balance is a little tricky here. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Balance Preview Update 09/09/201510 Sep 2015, 18:46 PM
I would suspect he is arguing that the nerf to Brace will turn them into useless units because they will be vulnerable for so long as to make them hard to use before they get killed. On top of that the Bofors received a whole host of nerfs, making it very unattractive. Even more so, the Mortar HT in team games makes structures out right useless unless they can at least survive one round from the flame mortar. Glad to see that the UC is getting love to try to hunt down snipers. Still concerned that one Gren squad will easily deal with this problem and build orders will still rely heavily on grens and snipers to beat Brits (as I see now). Will have to test to see. Thank you for updating this so regularly and your frequent responses. One last thing, the repair ability for conscripts shares the hot key with throw AT nade. When both are available game always assumes you want to repair tanks when you press e. Please change the hotkeys! In: Lobby |
Thread: Balance Preview - Logistics Glider10 Sep 2015, 16:02 PM
Nerf is too large as is. There are a number of excellent suggestions in this thread to bring it back in line with its cost, late arrival, squishyness, and HUGE size. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Is the AVRE OP or do I just think it's OP because...10 Sep 2015, 13:15 PM
Saying such hyperbole is one of the reasons it is hard to take you seriously. Remember its balance, its never personal. Also quick reminder Katitof was right before, is right now. Also quick question why would the ST ever be exposed to gun fire? Since it can shoot beyond sight range through obstacles? Surely, its acceleration could be 0 and it would still escape. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Balance Preview Update 09/08/20159 Sep 2015, 12:58 PM
Why are you still here? For Relic: Please look at Soviet sniper (bring it more in line with Ost sniper) Please nerf Ost sniper MG42 still needs a small nerf Please fix Vickers range bug, and consider slight nerf to gun Fix all camo bugs on OKW units (retreating units cloaking, insta cloak JPIV) Reduce Sturmtrooper cost Either change vet on HT's or provide a use for the vet they earn when upgraded Increase accuracy on IS-2 (or just leave heavies alone entirely) Fix vet 1 on all Soviet tanks (cap point, really unnecessary) For now consider just moving some of the bonuses from vet 1 to vet 2 Allow Brit sniper to cloak much faster before first shot Reduce Brit section vet bonuses slightly, reduce total cost of squad Stuka zu Fuss should get creeping barrage as vet level, not as default Fix damage from mortar HT inc strike against emplacements Please fix OKW AA HT a-move set up bug Please examine ISG, weapon appears far too good for limited user input. Place and forget. JT is still very difficult to kill in team games, please consider any buffs to this unit carefully. Fix maxim and DSHK retreat, where both teams drop gun on move (This should be long removed) Shreks appear highly capable of sniping infantry models, please consider lowering AoE or accuracy. USF tanks still very vulnerable to bad pathing (for units designed to move quickly this is a death sentence) USF AT gun needs to be able to penetrate reliably USF tier unlocks should not consume pop cap, that should be a player choice USF paradropped AT guns and MG's are too expensive, please reduce their cost slightly I have had a lot of missing command bugs recently, I order a command and units do not do anything. You can check this with mg teams and weapon teams. Frequently I will tell them to set up and then come back and they are idling in the unsetup position. Grenade delay bugs, and not throwing bugs need to be taken care of (this needs to be over). Schwer HQ is still firing outside of its marked range The range is also far too long, please reduce it or make gun an upgrade to building. Brit off map is questionably strong, much of these abilities are so overkill its is crazy. Reduce their cost and effectiveness Buff Sexton...a lot Remove TWP from game, replace with another crit ability German sniper Stun round does not always stun, frequently it just says stun but units return fire. Very problematic against MG's In: Lobby |
Thread: M36 Jackson vs Firefly9 Sep 2015, 12:25 PM
Remove the tulip rockets, buff RoF, done. The tulips provide such strong Alpha damage that you cannot afford to have it fire any faster as is. In: COH2 Gameplay |
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