The raketen is just shit,unrealiable,short range and easy to kill.
And OKW side techs are too costly early on.OKW lost all flexibility early on.
And ofcourse USF is easymode faction defeating both axis faction with one arm tied behind its back.
What does usf lack anymore?Nothing...
Best core infantry...great elite infantry,ultimate vet bonuses
3 indirect fire weapon -mortar,pack howitzer plus the M8 on wheels.Best SPG in calliope by FAR.
HMG.AT constantly buffed.
Only faction still capable of blobbing with dual AT weapons which pisses on light and medium armour.Even AT gun constantly buffed.
Superb light vehicles.Stuart and AA are both excellent.Axis have only 1 good light vehicle in luchs between 2 factions in comparison.
Good medium armour,and if e8 chosen probably the best.
Great grenades.
Can dual wield,making infantry even more OP.
Forward reinforcement.Easiest repair.
Great tank destroyer in jackson.
Even Heavy tank.
Faction is so strong in every department it has no weaknesses,good usf player curbstomp both axis factions now.Early only volks blobs bothered them,but that was alreday in decline after calliope..and now gone altogether.
Just watch the coming usf slaughter of axis in 2 vs 2 tourney.
so very true. btw in easiest repair, u presume exclusive vehicle crews?, which doesn't even remotely mean just "easiest" repairs but a whole other specter of faulty implications. Free repairs practically on the go, jump out exploit which adds additional micro and frustration upon the opposing player, and transferring of vehicle vet let's not forget.. |
Ok, so 10 range advantage for allied unit is "significantly more range" but when we're talking panther or stug vs mediums its suddenly "barely more range". Got it.
You're an idiot if you believe you can't lose 85 to stug now that 85 got 50% slower RoF.
You can bumrush 85 and destroy it with stug, you don't need extra sight for that.
For the same reason Jackson as well as Firefly lose to Stug.
Get yourself an IQ check instead and couple it with some facts check.
lol someone got all stressed up on the IQ check remark !? jackitoff is there a personal story behind this ?  or you just lost dozen of new SU's to the sinister Stug predator and there fore you're so touchy ?  I see that your forumwars frustration is gettin' the best of you, the same as my own gameplay woes go wrecking my nerves, so maybe we're not so different afterall, you in your 10K ultimate bias hub, and me in my okw broken bubble ?
p.s. yeah, 10 range is very significant, you'd actually know that, if you've seen the gui, the map and the units themself outside of the imaginery forum/number margins. |
You really have to be masochist to play with axis.
Duke, but we are !  Guess that's why we're holding' our teeth and secretly enjoyin' the mentality of the latewar germany on the wrong (or right?) end of the spankmachine, while amidst our fetishistic and pleasureable semi-silent suffer, the Allied forum propaganda runs riot, and hustles even more and more buffs for their glorious victor units ! |
In the past I'd rely on SP medkit if I went Puma building first. Is this option not viable anymore?
and when was healing behind the lines (or not), without reinforcing, with ammo and micro penalty, actually that "viable" ? In thousand of hours I don't remember when I've seen ppl do that in the field, altho I admit that I personally did sometimes, but rarely because of all - above mentioned. |
Hahaha, I'm so glad I uninstalled this game a week ago.
From what I read now 2 of 2 German factions are unplayable against 3 viable Allied factions.
and I'm pissed I didn't even tho' I said I would  ontopic, I almost exclusively play okw, and I've never made more than two squads of volks at the same time - if that's considered a shreck blob, I don't know what that US 7-8 wieldin' zook thing I see every other game is.. so I guess I don't miss my "shreck blob" at all.. but what I hate right now, is losing valuable versatile squads of SP's by being forced to keep them in action far more than they're designed to be.. the bugs as volks faust and US mortar I won't even bother to mention, or did I just? |
I feel like they need tank hunters obers buildable from hq at the begining, which come with 2 at rifles and can upgrade to double shrecks, their combat stats significantly weaker and vet different from regular obers for reasons. Shreck pios is a joke, and rakketen, while good overall is just not enought to hold on its own even with phausts around and it also killed too easily (bunching, no green cover, 4 crew members).
Or just make obers buildable in HQ, double shreck upgrade after 1truck, 1 lmg upgrade after 2trucks, can have only one; it would open some strat possibilities.
Still, too early to tell for sure, mb its just my first impressions from stomping OKW whole day and in reallity OKW just needs to spam pumas hardcore.
+1 - Great idea greatly put. Don't forget that "obers" as they are now, should get a slight price reduction since they're squishy 4 man squad that perishes easily with the most of their potential layin' in the weapon upgrade.
I mean, what were they thinking ? - to bundle the already overstretched builder unit with the AT role !?? In my experience in the last 15 games since the patch (the win/loss ratio of around 3/12, usually I'd be 9/6 average) you can use the shreck sturmpios only for one launch and instant retreat, at least until they rank up heavily,since they're so susceptible to random wipes that it's ridiculous. |
OP Updated;
- M1 81mm: USF does not need this. Just reduce the price for teching nades and remove this new cheese altogether. It is Single–handedly negating %99 of the core CoH2 design and gameplay elements. They have the most broken howitzer in game already so there is no justification for adding this, and specially in HQ! WTF. So either remove this or remove ostheer T1 and T2 buildings altogether. The MG34 at 2-3CP makes zero sense as well, as long as this unit exists.
Exactly.. as of now, the game is broken as hell.. |
I respectively disagree with almost everything ! Let me guess, USF are your favorite faction right now ? Don't bother to answer that ...  |
No, it wasn't, just like IS-2 wasn't despite losing same amount of armor.
If heavy tanks are unrewarding to flank, you make them rewarding to flank, NOT compensating for them actually having a weak spot.
and there he mentions IS freakin' 2  as if it isn't considerably more agile, cheaper, with bulletins that KT lacks it actually can have even superior frontal armor  and guess what, with the actual patch it's getting an accuracy and penetration buffs that make it even more effective against Axis heavy armor. Sapienti sat.
For a tank that can barely move, and costs as much, with such drastic nerf of the rear - KT should get it's old frontal armor back. That will make flanking for the allied expendables - guess what; even more "rewarding" and that's the goal right ?  |
Wasn't KT about to get a price reduction as the compensation for massive rear armor nerf ? It was in the notes of one of iterations I think..
The rear armor nerf is more punishing for the unit of such price and "mobility" than all other heavy's in game. |