Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: Enclosed covers and bunkers6 Oct 2017, 13:08 PM
Ask yourself, "How does providing heavy cover that prevents all types of incoming fire going to work on a map?" What you will quickly realize is that the cover will dominate early game, or be in a place that doesn't matter. These types of cover are best left to comp stomps. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: COH 2 needs new stuff6 Oct 2017, 13:06 PM
Commanders are already too numerous, especially in core armies. Bulletins are useless, will be useless, and cannot be improved, we already have a laundry list of stupid ones with 1 or 2 that are marginally useful on stack. Maps can always be increased in number, but Relic did a poor job of bringing in community maps and did not make their own. We have five factions, there is no need for more factions. All that does is make balance harder. The playstyle you want is out there, you just need to find it. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Some concerns with Panzerfuseliers.6 Oct 2017, 13:02 PM
PF's are too good for cost. But, their reinforce cost is fine. They give great LoS, and have a number of abilities that make them a good choice in almost all circumstances. At vet 5 they can flick away any allied infantry not in cover, and they will always fight with the advantage as they can choose engagements with their LoS. I don't think the Sturm officer matters when referring to them. Maybe in larger team games for a couple of minutes, but the officer is so expensive for what it does, always runs the risk of the force retreat, and does not gain vet so never improves. The popcap needs to rise slightly, and their G43 upgrade may need to come down by one or two guns (I think this makes them likely to get really nasty should they pick up a weapon). OR the popcap needs to rise significantly. OR the popcap can increase slightly and their vet is looked at, with nerfs after vet 1 and especially to the vet 5. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Need help to kill Advanced Emplacement Regiment14 Sep 2017, 03:17 AM
Good suggestions above. Remember that on some maps SimCity is problematic and hard to counter (Crossing). You should keep a doctrinal counter in your backpocket at all times. You should also keep in mind that SimCity counter play will feel like a chore, and it is. You need to try to get enough long range guns together that you can force him back without bleeding out too much. If he goes for SimCity you definitely won't need the puma anytime soon. You probably would have been better off forcing a brace and then using a Stuka to kill the repair team and damage the FHQ. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: For Mother Russia is one hell of a drug9 Sep 2017, 17:34 PM
The flares + zeroing arty is bad, but it is very easy to gain sight for an OKW zeroing arty strike. Almost every in meta commander has some ability that allows units to be dropped behind the lines, or units that have extended sight, or some offmap that can give sight. The B4 is hardly well-armored so 2 or 3 hits and you are good to go. Often they place it next to the base sector so you also get to land a few hits on nearby units as well. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: German Heavy TD's need some adjustements2 Sep 2017, 19:32 PM
The TD's are a problem in large game modes, and this was partially addressed by the now cancelled patch. At the moment the best way to deal with these is to use a nice combined arms push. However, these battles are often all or nothing so commit to them in full, don't allow yourself to be half in. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Armor Piercing rounds on Jackson should be free2 Sep 2017, 19:29 PM
When you activate it forces a reload, which makes the time to fire take longer. This ability is best used when you are at max range and want to deter a tank. You do get a slight damage boost making the Jackson more lethal against mediums. The ability actually makes sense, but the way in which it is implemented feels buggy and is hard for users to understand. In: COH2 Bugs |
Thread: Unofficial Revamp mod (EFA & WFA & Brits)1 Sep 2017, 22:13 PM
Some very interesting and nice changes. Without the stranglehold of scope a lot can get done. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Coh2 vs Coh1 comparison26 Aug 2017, 15:30 PM
I would say I voted as if we were talking about vCOH. The expansion was bad, really bad. COH2 development spent so much time focusing on elements there were eventually completely removed, blizzards and snow. This on top of a rushed development because of bankruptcy and no polish at the end. For me though, the look and feel of COH1 is so much better than COH2, although some of the changes in COH2, especially the vet, were good. The inclusion of everything under the sun to make it expansion ready and microtransaction friendly, and the way in which those who invested early were punished by being given leftover commanders and crap bonuses also leaves a bad taste. In: Lobby |
Thread: the Fall Balance Preview has been put on hold indefinitely.26 Aug 2017, 15:19 PM
All the belly aching over the community balance team is such wasted effort, and so misguided. They were trying to fix a game while having both hands tied behind their back, and in spite of this did a great job at fixing a number of balance problems. This is a great example of how not to treat an active and engaged community from the Relic end. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Latest replays uploaded by Imagelessbean
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Kansas Kobra
[AEF] Appleseed
Bugged AT gunby: Imagelessbean map: Essen Steelworks1-1,253 -
[TATUZ] Black Dynamite
[TATUZ] Blue Semtex?
[TATUZ] White TNT?
ISU 152 nerfed, you decideby: Imagelessbean map: Rzhev Winter1-1,250 -
Von Strachwitz
Germans are the bestby: Imagelessbean map: Lienne Forest1-1,242 -
[WF] *- ObS!d!@ Fr
- InF -__mok (FR)