Your thread is kinda of a grab bag of concerns you have, but the T70 should not be one of them.
The rakenten is a concern for me because of how strong it gets with cloak and the vet 1 allowing it to move so quickly while cloaked. However, currently with bug in place it seems beatable, we'll see after the bugs are ironed out.
Vet 1 JP is stupid, there was a whole thread about that. The cool down time one the cloaking needs to increase dramatically.
Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: Camo on raketen, vet 1 JP and why t-70 have 320 hp.7 Aug 2015, 12:31 PM
In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Stuart and Quad rush are pretty retarded,but....7 Aug 2015, 02:38 AM
He was offering a way to deal with it if you can't find an answer in your tech tree. Puma is a nice hard counter that offers some amazing love in a reasonably priced package. The M5 appears to out class the 222 to such a degree that the 222's window is about 10 seconds long. Either the 222 should get buffs to help it fight the quad, or the quad should be brought down in effectiveness. As nerfing the quad would make it less attractive late game because of its high cost and vulnerability, I would say buff the 222. Right now, smart play and one pak should allow you to hold the line against the quad, but it is too difficult for Osteer to take on this vehicle effectively. The issue is that when Ost gets T3 to try to deal with quad they are already faced with SU76 which provides excellent cover for the quad. However, if we buff 222 we run into an issue where Ost is very, very vulnerable to sniper spam and M3 spam. That was why the 222 originally had an upgrade so you could use it to deal with snipers or cars and save your munitions if possible. This is a tough nut to crack. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Max Prestige Scumbags6 Aug 2015, 16:15 PM
As Relic explained the other night in team matches you can still get paired with/against very good players despite being at a lower rank due to the way they calculate team match ups because they take into account total ELO rather than individual ELO. So if you play anything other than 1's your going to have to deal with fighting people outside of your skill level. Yes but having a rank helps the game better balance the match ups. You may still play lopsided games or ones in which you are drastically out skilled by your opponent but these match ups are fewer. This is the law of averages, on average you will play a balanced game. But to get these you need to play enough to get a rank so the game can place you. Playing more games does help you play against players more evenly matched with yourself. In: Lobby |
Thread: Max Prestige Scumbags6 Aug 2015, 12:10 PM
As a reminder you do not yet have enough games for the game to rank you on the skill system (this is invisible to you). As you play more games in a single playlist the game will get better about pairing you up with people your sill level. Stick to a single list and play 10 games or more and see if your experience doesn't change. As a general guide, you should be able to beat the computer in all sizes of games on expert easily. In: Lobby |
Thread: Pack Howitzer doesn't do it's job4 Aug 2015, 20:16 PM
I think you had a thread about this before which was well written about the USF's artillery problem (not that there is anything wrong with this thread). The pack sits in a weird place for artillery. As a no barrage, mobile, artillery unit it cannot be so strong because it can fire constantly. However, it is extremely vulnerable, highly inaccurate, highly costly, and hard to predict. Some games this unit does well and some games not. USF is sorely in need of indirect fire options, as has been stated many times. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: KV-24 Aug 2015, 20:14 PM
Lackluster unit trapped in a lackluster doc. The whole doc needs to be looked but the biggest offender is definitely the KV-2. Possibly leaving it as a slow firing tank with a barrage ability when set up that lets it act like a howitzer. Could be balanced in many ways (few shells, less damage, etc.) to prevent it from owning everything on map. Also its vet 1 ability needs to be redone (obviously). My vote is to get rid of unlocked ability and just give it some buffs when it hits vet 1. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Max Prestige Scumbags4 Aug 2015, 03:09 AM
If you had a pak I never saw it. In addition, you failed to take advantage of your huge early game numbers. You outnumbered mine 2 to 1 because I went sniper, but you actually were slow to cap points. You sent your HT in alone against my two cons and my allies cons. We flanked it at the same time to make sure to kill it with AT nades. It did take 3, but there were no units around that could have contested us. Indeed snipers bleed mp, that is all they can do. They cannot damage vehicles at all. Bleed is part of the game. You have the advantage of getting to T2 relatively quickly and having more troops on the ground. Annihilation is extremely boring in competitive multiplayer because games can last for long periods when one team is already beaten. As in the game you lost to me I would have needed at least 5-10 more minutes to get enough tanks to destroy your base in one go because there was at least one pak and still some grens left. Take a look at Imperial Danes streams if you want to see how to handle sniper "spam", although I wouldn't call two snipers spam. In: Lobby |
Thread: Max Prestige Scumbags4 Aug 2015, 02:58 AM
Just so everyone knows I am not a noob. I have been playing COH since the first one and I've been playing this since the day it was released . I just never played automatch until recently to freshen things up. I win 9/10 times I play when I do a custom match of Annihilation/High Resources. Also to the kid claiming I'm making fun of him, nobody likes an asshole. Instead of you guys screaming "YOU SUCK." at people who are clearly new to automatch, you could've at least pointed out what we did wrong like a mature human being. Certainly I can point out what you did incorrectly: 1) You bunkered down and gave the iniative to my team 2) You allowed squads to be wiped for no reason (MG team in house got sniped out, but you had multiple times you could have let it retreat) 3) You became obsessed with killing my snipers, which caused you to follow them around the map letting me back cap anything I wanted 4) You and your friend attacked at different times allowing my ally and I to move our forces back and forth, making them appear much larger than they were 5) You chose to go elite even though you were losing fuel battle and then used troop training 6) You were slow to tech up and get AC 7) You upgraded PG's with G43's making them drop shreks and also spending >150 munitions on a squishy already highly valuable target 8) You retreated late allowing squads to get wiped, and retreated through roads. 9) You did not spread out your forces so my snipers could contest every point you moved on 10) You eventually got so upset by my ally that you spent long periods typing and not playing 11) Even when you knew I had a Flak HT you send squads off alone to go cap (I would say useless) points. They could not hope to retreat before being wiped. This happened at least twice after you knew. 12) You never built a pak even though you must have known we were teching up to heavier vehicles If you wanted tips you should have said so in the beginning of the thread, and not used insults as your thread title or attempted to belittle me in the body. Same goes during the game. Also I am not a "kid", though you can call me that if you prefer. In: Lobby |
Thread: Max Prestige Scumbags3 Aug 2015, 20:02 PM
We ended the game as quickly as possible. We held all three vps the entire game and never allowed him to back cap them. My ally sent in one T70 which was killed during the base crush, and we did not attempt to kill his men until he left the base zone after that. The sandbags were just so I could walk the snipers around the entire edge of his base without being seen if I needed. As you saw from my built units, I did not build much. Once we secured the map I just waited it out. I told him to stop making fun of them in chat, but they continued to post non-sense and eventually he also started to taunt them again. In: Lobby |
Thread: Max Prestige Scumbags3 Aug 2015, 19:26 PM
I don't think he meant to blanket insult everyone, just the Scumbags with Max Prestige. Though I might have had sympathy for ImagelessBean if he hadn't started firing back by bragging about how he "beat him to the ground". Sorry, it just made him sound arrogant and if what the OP says is true, the kind of guy I wouldn't want to play with either... What actually happened was that my ally, who I eventually told to stop, made fun of the two players. Both players bit hard, and they proceeded to talk about how bad we were. At some point he said, "stupid foreigners", at which point I said I was from America. Was I arrogant, yes. We had taken the whole map and were building sand bags around his base. Did they surrender, no. Did they talk trash even while losing and complain about the game, which they did not understand at all, yes. In: Lobby |
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