Then you must either be extremely lucky or I am extremely unlucky, except for guard grenades (which i dont use that often) all of them are extremely inconsistent for me.
Perfect hit can either be no kills at all or a complete squad wipe. It happens all the time.
i think people see grenades as inconsistent because the circle for aiming the ability is a bit misleading. the circle is quite large, but the area that will wipe squads is much smaller.
for rifle nades, the entire circle has a radius of 4, but the area that will guarantee a kill only has a radius of 1. heres a simple explanation of rifle nade AOE, which might clear things up.
distance from explosion:
0-1: 80 damage with 500% accuracy
1-2: 50 daamge with accuracy that decreases linearly from 280% down to 60%,
2-4: 20 damage with 60% accuracy
so just because an entity is inside the circle doesnt mean they have a chance of dieing. you need to aim with the center of the circle. some people try to fit as many entities in the circle as possible, even though theyre all near the edge of the circle. youre better off centering it on a couple entities instead