Release CoH2 was anything but "Well crafted". Lelic bungled balance and basic design for a /very/ long time, culminating in the release of the WFA, who were (and still are, to some degree) ludicrously badly designed.
They are now, they weren't back then. Was the game perfect? Of course not, still better
Part of the reason balance isnt in a better state is that lelic simply don't give the Balance Team room to make major changes
Rofl. If redesigning the entire game (and that is exactly what happened) isn't "room for major changes" then I'm really curious what the balance team wants to turn CoH2 into...another DoW3 I guess, that was really successful!
any changes made have to fit lelic's really autistic "vision". An example of this includes their refusal to allow Bolster to be scrapped for UKF, and their insistence that UKF simply /cannot/ have nondoctrinal mobile indirect for some reason.
Because theyre gamedesigners and not part of this "everything has to be exactly the same, because ESL is the most important thing ever"-community |
The game doesnt need more overhauls, it needs the opposite. It needs all these community-overhauls reverted and get balanced and designed by actual game devs.
I mean, it is entertaining to watch as long as you don't play the game yourself, but at the same time it's also sad to see how a well-crafted game gets turned into...well...the current Company of Heroes 2 :/ |
Why don't they just leave their game alone? It's just embarrassing at this point.
How many unnecessary redesigns has this game received in its life span now?
CoH2 stopped feeling like an AAA title years ago, now it has more similarities to a bad mod.
"Let's redesign this game for the nth time >7 years after its release, and introduce the most extraordinary bugs in the process", why Relic? I'd love to know. |
Dear Dolts!
For those of you who remember RN fondly and used to use it back in the day, we now have a Discord group to get some of the old names and faces back together. I know several names here (Bryan, Hirm, Mirage, etc.) but I'm sure others are lurking too.
This permanent invite link will take you to the server: |
What has the original design of Osttruppen to do with the current design? Nothing
Exactly, just like the original design of the factions and >a lot< of units have nothing to do with what the game has become through all these community balance patches. |
Go on, explain then how it happened that US started using HMGs the moment they were allowed to build them earlier instead of going full rifle build?
Its the same concept.
Take aaaall the time you need to let that sink in.
USF is designed not only to survive but even to thrive without HMGs, hence it really isnt the same concept. |
The idea of unit timing is completely foreign concept to you, isn't it?
Unit can be perfectly fine stat-wise and still be obsolete, because of its timing.
You know....
Like T2 PGs or obersoldaten or even SU-76 and M5.
Or it becomes obselete not because of its timing, but because you can do just fine without it, as was apparently the case with Pgrens. |
What the F are you talking about?
T1 is balanced and from the very moment PGs started appearing earlier, whole 1v1 META emerged about rushing them.
T1 is probably too strong, if its units make Pgrens obsolete. As somebody argued: "They arrived after you had already built your army" -> Your army was complete before they arrived and only supposed to be enhanced with at guns and vehicles. Thats not what Ostheer was designed to be. |
If people spam Grenadiers and therefore dont need Pgrens anymore once they arrive, then one >might< assume that the problem is related to tier 1 and not Pgrens themselves. But why balance tier 1 in balance patches when you can just redesign a faction (once again)?   |
I really get the impression that some people here just got used to the numerous issues the game has.
Spotting 4 glaring bugs within minutes of starting a match, without looking for them, is not a good thing. You can justify them all you want but in the end all of these justifications themselves are something I'd criticize (lack of resources for development, lack of Q&A etc). The state of the game is bad. Of course there'll be reasons for that and I don't think that anyone here believes that someone wanted to decrease the games quality on purpose.
It appears that the community and Relic bit off more than they could chew in the past two years then. Not a good thing either.
"But it is balanced now!" is a weak argument anyway. |