a panther retreating back into its lines and a t34 chasing it down its more or less going to move straight into gren support, whether its flanking or not. its far easier and faster to fire off a faust at a charging t34 than it is moving up soviet support.
no good soviet player is going to drive 2 unsupported t34s into a line of german inf supporting a panther. or maybe you would?
i dont know where u get the numbers from, but did you factor in the penetration values of 160 against a 270 armour?
thats exactly how you get that percentage.
what happens if it doesnt penetrate? then 59.25% chance to what? destroy its engine? damage its engine? destroy its main gun? destroy both its main gun and engine? are these things also calculated exclusive of each other or together? what exactly happens when the panther only gets damaged engine and working main gun? please factor all of them into a single value and that should be the true % of tanks getting a damaged gun AND a destroyed engine.
it is because i cant find these numbers that i just gave a 5% as guesswork based off experience, note that i put the 'idk' there, means i could be wrong, no need for the hostility.
it just amazes me that someone would tell other people about unit match ups when they dont understand the topic. 59.25% chance to damage the gun and engine from the front. 100% to damagethe gun and engine from the back. there is no scenario where the engine is damaged and the weapon is not.
EDIT: i just realized you used the term destroyed engine to mean more than engine damage. some people use them interchangeably, which may have caused the confusion. those numbers are for a damaged engine of any kind. there are 3 types of engine crits: damaged, heavy damage, immobile. there is a 70% chance for ram to cause damage, 15% chance for heavy damage and 15% for immobile.
multiplied by the chance to pen, you have a 41.48% chance for engine damage, 8.89% chance for heavy engine damage, 8.89% chance for immobile and 40.75% chance for a deflection (crew shock).