I don't know if anyone is maintaining this anymore, regardless. Since CELO has gone through the same problem with the rank not being there and what not since the last patch. Here is how you can get the rank now (I still need to update CELO for this, but this might help you guys in the meantime)
Get the ID in the warnings.log once a match starts (like the rank was before)
21:32:02.12 GAME -- Human Player: 0 Neffarion 863200 0 west_german
ID is 863200 (lets call it relicID)
Do a GET request: to api-reliclink endpoint with the relicID
Make sure you encode the relicID in an array
863200 = ["863200"] = %5B%22863200%22%5D
There. You get all the ranks, from everything. Including team groups and steamID and level if you correlate the team games with the relicID
Not sure which leaderboard_id is which, but regardless it wouldn't be hard to find out
EDIT: Here's the leaderboards: https://coh2-api.reliclink.com/community/leaderboard/GetAvailableLeaderboards?title=coh2