It's always easier to see problems than it is to appreciate the overall big picture and huge quantity of work that's gone into making something. Also, remember that when CoH2 was first released, a lot of people just hated the style and didn't feel like it was responsive or comfortable to play, but later grew to love it.
So I just wanted to say thanks to Relic... while there are many valid nitpicks, CoH3 (multiplayer) IMHO already has achieved some absolutely amazing stuff
- Most of the best gameplay aspects of CoH1 and CoH2 combined.
- Four EXTREMELY varied, interesting and cool factions.
- More potential playstyle options and strategic choices than ever.
- Big-picture thinking in terms of asymmetric faction design and how games fit together.
- High quality maps encouraging varied gameplay
Yes there are many things that need polishing and, let's be honest, are not 100% ready yet...
- Graphics & sound may be more "realistic" but don't provide game feedback in a clear way
- UI not yet in a consistent and polished style
- E.g. some new animations look amazing and realistic, some awkward and buggy
- Plenty of game balance will be needed as the community works out the metas
But yea... FYI I am not shilling for Relic, I just thought it's also nice to get some positive feedback out there. Polish is definitely needed but there's already a HUGE amount of content and a potentially amazing game there.
Thanks, mate

Yeah, i´ve played the beta 20h. With some people i connect within this beta said, that they love this game so much: Some of the good points i can tell:
1. Sound: While we have grown up with alot of evolution of sound design, especially in Coh1 and
coh2 (remember the mg42 sound), we think this sound is a new level forward. Its amazing to here
when they rush into the house with "breach" ability, or when they speak in a house or in an
shermantank. In another battle in one of the 2v2 city maps we played against wehrmacht and the
soundtrack was so intensive like being in a city when we would go step by step into the streets of
2. Gameplay: i agree with you: We compare the gameplay with CS:GO. CS:GO was the best mix of CS
Source and CS: 1.6. It was the best deciscion they make and this is for CoH3 too. One of my
friends told me, that he didnt like the slower gameplay mechanic compare to coh2. But he
recognize, that this will do coh3 more tactical then the previous game and i can absolutly agree
with him.
3. More potenzial playstyle: Battlegroups have an addictive potenzial. They are more fun than all
kinds of doktrin ever before. Yes, in coh1 they are great, but in this beta i can play with this
and start an a) Airborne doctrin with Airborne-MG choice and begin with rifles or
b) I choose the weapon center and mix it with pathfinder and Airborne-soldier. They are plenty of
differnet ideas.
4. Compare to other products and the beta in coh1 and coh2 from the past, this beta worked a lot
of better. No bugs i´ve recognize so far and i can play all faction without fearing about some
weird bug strats from other factions (only 1v1)