- Reload speed
- Longer aim-time (due to wind up)
- Price
- (and a tiny bit amount of less armor/larger target size)
Jackson and Firefly prolly still need a range decrease to 55, and TDs in general need a popcap increase so that it's not Infantry spam & TD spam. Now that Heavies and Panthers have higher popcap, TDs can also afford to have higher popcap.
Please don't remove range. That would leave it with no advantage to use against stugs and panthers (5 range is very hard to exploit properly). I think starting with speed and acceleration is a much better option now that it's more durable. If anything catching and chasing it for the kill is the problematic part. |
WTF is with the refuel refit and 155mm replacement!?! Why replace abilities with WORSE abilities. Now it just feels bloated with manpower/fuel call-ins. |
I honestly enjoyed the new additions to the patch, but the 155mm removal seemed extremely out of place and honestly outright bad.
Removing the 155mm out of the mechanized commander leaves it with few munition abilities, and 4 call-ins, pretty much assuring the player can't easily make full use of the commander due to lack of manpower/fuel and giving them an unnecessary abundance of munitions.
155mm was one of the better call-in abilities (it was often the main reason for taking it) and there seems like no reason to take it out and none is given in the notes, all to add a duplicate ability. It was one of the few USF abilities capable of taking out enemy artillery that most other factions have (costs 210 with major recon so it was balanced) and did good damage against bunkers, okw bases, and punishing unwarry players giving it a good role.
This just generally seems like a really bad change and I think it should be removed. |
I&R pathfinder
First let me say please don't make them more like regular pathfinders. They aren't the same unit and shouldn't be.
As they are now they are basically just a middleman for the (admittedly good) artillery, and shitty ones at that. But even at the slightly reduced cost you are only going to use it once or twice, especially since the rest of the commander can be muni expensive as well.
What they should be is a dedicated recon unit that is capable of penetrating enemy lines and providing sight, with the artillery being a useful tool they have when placed in the right place at the right time.
I propose two changes:
- Add a ability that allows them to move around in stealth while prone. (It can be limited to a timed duration if balance requires)
- increase the range of the artillery call-in to the same as their visual range.
This should make them better at infiltrating your enemies territory to find hiding spots where they can provide LOS without your enemies knowledge. And actually able to provide artillery support without exposing themselves.
It definitely fits the commanders theme better and doesn't cause overlap with airborne. |
This only two thing seems kind of stupid to me. Obviously recon and mechanized are the notable offenders, but dear god does armor's "advanced vehicle crews" need to be fixed. It's a abomination of an ability that shouldn't be allowed to exist. |
I actually think this is a pretty crummy patch. Some of these nerfs are questionable, but I think a lot are good too.
The worse thing to me though is that almost no underused units or abilities were buffed. only the thing that was buffed was the M3 call-in, but no one is going to use that because assault engis still suck. |
-50% damage reduction on the m15s gun seems like a bit much. I'll have to test it, but for such a fragile unit it seems like it would make it far too weak, and it was already a risky choice. The nerf to the m20s guns also seems kind of unnecessary. |
Got my hopes up for a second there  |
I don't know what world you live in, but a tank within range of 4 bazookas is probably pretty fucked. |
So you'd agree the strafing run is not viable, more like a skin for your commander than a usable ability?
I mean it's not useless. When there is a MG between you and a victory point it will get the job done. But I wouldn't rely on it to carry you throughout the game.
Could be less expensive or more consistent in how it applies it's damage. |