As far as I know the sandbags profile is unique to the vehicle's hull and shape and you can't just add it to any vehicle without looking odd. The KV-1 just happened to have one of those profiles collecting dust in the files, made by Relic devs at some point but never used. All/most OKW vehicles have one too.
Oh, really?
Well, is it impossible to bodge things a little, and use sandbags intended for one vehicle on another? I should think that you could probably get away with it on Casemates at least. |
JP4 is already the most cost efficient TD counter just becaue of its higher RoF. JP4 beats every allied TD in 1vs1 situation. I wonder why noone uses it but me.
I use the JPIV a lot, too. It's fantastic against enemy TDs and against Mediums, it's only against Heavies that it can be a little inconsistent. That's also why I often make use of Elite Armoured; HEAT shells make the JPIV a fantastic damage dealer. |
StuG, yeah mwah. However the Brummbar has -25/25 gun traverse, that's more than enough to cover an entire VP or whatever frontline area. The Elefant gets an astonishing 87,5 range, that alone in itself can be ridiculously good even if it only gets 1 or 2 shots off, and with its decent -15/15 gun traverse, the end of that cone covers quite a massive area. And since the most popular maps are the laney ones, Hull Down is easily good enough for these two.
Perhaps it could be considered to give casemate vehicles (Perhaps barring the Elefant?) a faster "hull down" speed, to compensate for their lack of a turret?
Alternatively: Is it possible for a hull-down vehicle to be given a certain degree of rotational ability? If so, perhaps casemates could be allowed to rotate, say, 45 degrees while entrenched? I expect this would need the layout of their surrounding sandbags be changed, if that's also possible to do. |
The only similarities between the Volksgrenadier and Volkssturm are the word "Volk" and the fact that they were lower quality than what was previously established. Volksgrenadiers were still a professional military formation with standardized uniforms and equipment and staffed with trained soldiers. Volkssturm were a militia with no standardized uniforms or equipment and staffed with untrained civilians.
Same thing as the British "Dad's Army" (Home guard), really. |
Wait they added the same hull down for Ost for the KV1 only as a vet 1 ability or something?
Since when and with what animations exactly?
The KV1 has had the ability for some time, it's actually not too much of an issue to add "Hull Down" to any tank, from what i can surmise. The Animation isnt inherent in the vehicle, there seem to be some generic Sandbag bits that can be placed around an unit when it uses an ability. The same system is presumably used for things like the Major's Antenna, 223/Opel Blitz lockdown abilities, and other such abilities. |
Need to point out that those are load out commander stat and not commanders actually picked.
Do you have some "Commanders picked" statistics? |
If you got the game on release/WFA release you should have every commander through gameplay even if you play on and off.
If you got the game through humble bundle or free, the problem is that you need to farm way too many bulletins and skins before getting coins.
The point is really that it's a lot of time investment needed just to have access to all the features of each faction, particularly if you've already paid to unlock some of those factions separately to the base game.
At this point, Lelic just handing all the commanders out free to every player would be a nice way to promote goodwill. (And I hope no such gameplay modifications are locked behind an inordinate time investment/real money transfers in CoH3... if that ever exists) |
I expect there will be a bigger update next week.
When you say "Bigger update", should we be expecting some rather major further changes/updates to commanders? Are these future updates things that'd already been planned, or is it mostly going to be in reaction to how the beta is looking in players' hands? |
Game is 7 years old.
Literally everyone got it by now as its included in complete editions and frequently on -75% or more sale.
The only reason why you wouldn't have it is if you don't play the game at all.
Could you go ahead and provide an estimation of the required playtime to unlock all commanders, without spending more money on microtransactions?
Have you unlocked every commander strictly through playtime? |
You're not really arguing the same point as me either. This doesn't really have anything to do with what I'm saying, cause you haven't even mentioned the AT strafe. Which is my only point here
I didn't say it would be meta without the elefant. I said the elefant isn't the only good thing about the commander. And that the strafe needs to be removed. Not sure what your point is
My point is that even with the removal of the AT strafe (Which I would agree should be switched with a different ability), one or the other Elefant Doc would still be meta, as the Elefant itself is simply too valuable in teamgames. That's all, really.
Why should the Elefant be the only unit (besides the SU85) that does not need a spotter to use superior range?
And the the Elefant has not been nerfed hard. It is literally a strong meta in everything except 1v1.
Honestly, if people did want Spotting Scopes on the Elefant, for it to be anywhere near close to balanced it really would need to be changed. Such an unit being able to self-spot with no downside/opportunity cost is inherently a problem. The best solution probably is just to not let the thing have them, unless you wanted to give it an SU-85 styled vision cone.
Otherwise; People are just going to need to use a Scoped 222, other vehicle, or infantry to spot. |