Near penetration increased from 1 to 1.5 for all rifle weapons
I far as I have seen these changes have not little effect. From what I have noticed the changes in light vehicles have made the (at least in large modes) spamming micro light vehicles more common.
If one want to remove these tactics one could simple make snares available earlier.
Pintle Mounted Machine Guns
Although the change is good since vehicles will no longer give away their position for no reason imo there should be a bigger overhaul in airplanes.
Instead of the current system of total countering airplanes or non at all add a mechanism where AA fire reduces the effectiveness of planes. Airplanes being shot at could fire less accurate, have more scatter, fire less ordnance. This could either work via a "suppress" mechanism, some critical damage or via HP left.
Shell-based Artillery Units
Not sure if buffing artillery is the way to go here since they seem pretty dominant already.
Reduce the need of artillery in the first place by rethinking the whole forward retreat heal point approach.
We are further increasing the damage demolition charges deal to defensive structures to solidify their role as anti-defense weapons.
Now deal 200% additional damage to bunkers in addition to current modifiers.
Bonus damage against emplacements increased from 100% to 200%
Since the design of demolition chargers as anti-defense weapon the should have their other roles toned down as well. Currently they act also as super grenades and the availability is very big especially for US with infantry support center.
Reduce the damage to infantry/vehicles possibly removing the wipe probability.
Remove/reduce the efficiency of airdropped units to blow defensive structures.
Increase damage to sandbags, tank traps Bridges
Flamethrowers and Vehicle Flamethrowers
Give flamer vehicles a timed ability that light up areas and does DOT. This could either be a static ability or could even be used on the move.
Reduce ready time and increase turret rotation of PZIII since it might for ever to start firing on moving targets.
Salvaging – Recovery Vehicles and Rapid Salvage for Panzerpioneers and Panzergrenadiers
In most cases it was preferable to recover a destroyed vehicle wreck rather than salvaging it. To remedy this, we are now allowing salvaged wrecks to provide manpower, incentivizing this ability to be used to improve one’s economy or in situations where wrecks cannot be safely recovered.
Now provides 30% of the total wreck’s manpower cost in addition to the current 15% fuel.
The salvage /recover mechanism simply need a redesign is it can be exploited in many way it very difficult to balance. It will either be to strong or not worth it.
Make recover vehicles provide stack that can then be used to repair and upgun vehicles.
What is actually need is to silence specific user and possibly report them for offensive language or a warning should be issued to them...
Sandbags and Tank Trap Defense Target Size
The following change makes it easier to destroy certain field defenses when issuing attack-move commands on the target.
All updated to target size 20 except wire
This is a step in the wrong direction for a number of reason:
Allowing Tanks and Antitank to easily destroy tank traps negates the reason to have them in game in the first place.
Allowing ballistic weapon to target sandbags is counter intuitive and defeats the reason to have the available in the game in first place. As an example I will point out that AT or TD can now be used to deny cover from a very long distance, to make thing even worse explosive weapon can now be used to target sandbags instead of infantry resulting into shots with zero scatter.
If the there is an "over use" of this defenses other solution are better.
Reduce availability.
Make sandbags Tank traps available to less unit or requiring certain level of tech or veterancy.
Increase build time.
Reduce their effects.
Make tank traps provide yellow cover so that they are used as traps and not cover. Add resistance to ballistic weapon, lower HP.
Create special units/weapon that can easily deal with them.
Certain engineer units could get an ability to dismantle tank traps/sand bags.
Certain vehicles could destroy with with main gun (or barrage) or with bulldozer blade.
Certain units could have better modifiers vs sandbag like mortar or certain type of offensive grenades.
The US start with the Support centers Tab available and one has to select a support center see the exact tech available and their cost. This is rather inconstant and confusion and less informative.
Make the Support center tab available always.
Move the 3 buttons (Air Support Center, Infantry Support Center, Mechanized Support Center) to the tab with abilities grey out until one unlocks a center.
This will provide an more informative picture.
Add a button "Support centers" to HQ tab that will open the "support centers tab" for players.
Move all global upgrades (in this case 1 the Improved M9 Bazooka Rockets which is global upgrade and applies to more units) to the HQ tab so player can be aware of existence and check total cost for getting it.
British Forces
British forces stat with training center available from start.
For reason of consistency should have a button on HQ tab that describes the training center and opens the tab.
Description on training button should become more clear explaining which units are effected more so in the case of vehicles which is not very clear what vehicle is considered light or armored.
Withdraw and refit ability should be move to HQ tab so that players are aware of the ability and how its unlocked.
For no apparent reason Wehrmacht has no tech Tab and has the same tech option "support elements" available in 2 buildings. Reason for confusion here is that this works differently from Deutsches Afrikakorps who have a separate upgrade for their 2 buildings.
For reason consistency and simplicity create a tech Tab.
Add "support elements" there and all 4 quarters (Infanterie Officer Quarters,Luftwaffe Officer Quarters,Panzergrenadier Officer Quarters,Panzer Officer Quarters).
Move armor skirts button and Transfer order Panzergrenadier (add squad), Transfer order-Jager squad to HQ tab.
Deutsches Afrikakorps
For no apparent reason Deutsches Afrikakorps does not have a tech tab at start but one has to click on the armor building to see the Armory level 1-3 that are great out. Once the first building is build the tech level buttons start being replaced.
Make tech tab always available and move the Armory level "buttons" to the first column before the 3X4 grid.
So basically making tech tab available to all faction from start, adding a button that moves to tech tab of all HQ tabs and moving global upgrade that apply to more units in the HQ Tab.
These changes will create consistency, make things simpler and more informative.
This was solved by the devs adding a mechanic -> holding CTRL as your cursor hovers over said emplacement/building. It will shift into a garrison function.
thanks for the info but it make little sense
Garrison had priority over repair in other games of franchise and I see no reason for the change.
When engineer units target things they can garrison like bunker/fighting position/emplacements the repair ability comes up that means that if the structure is not in full heath they will try to repair. That create an issue because one can not man these structure with these units. Priority should to garrison and to repair, if one want to repair before garrisoning one can simply use the repair button.
This post will probably will be edit over time adding new staff:
Faction selection:
Currently faction selection has the 4 faction icon and 2 buttons at the bottom, confirm and random both of which return to lobby. Problem is that if you pick random the selection is not remembered has to chosen again next game.
remove random button and add a question mark faction icon.
End game:
After a game ends one is returned to menu and has to selection game type again.
either add a button next game in and game page or return player to lobby and add a button leave to "desktop"
In game:
There are many things that could be fixed here so I will return in later time with more details.
Tech building units:
The different faction have completely different menus to navigate making quite confusing.
The basic suggestion is to create a system where all faction have similar tab system for techs and units. For instance the first tab should have all tech/veterancy upgrades while explaining which building is needed to unlock. (more details later)
Player list:
Currently the player list is found in the menu option which forces players to "exit" the game to see it. In addition is rather unclear if a player is afk.
Create a in game tab that has a player list and informs if they are afk or not
Player color:
Currently player color seems to be random which can be confusing after a couple of games. Set a default color of player color
I never said that USF cannot provide anything powerful?
I just said that I think it's by far the weakest faction, with obvious flaws in the faction design
My point is that if one is playing vs a team with specific team strategy one also has to play as team and have a team strategy or they will probably lose.
Rosbone: @Nickbn True except, the only people on the Relic Discord/Reddit/Steam are brain washed monkey zealots. They wont even understand what @adamírcz is talking about. Anyone else is banned. Today, 17:54 PM
Nickbn: @adamírcz might be a better idea to voice this to relic directly than to voice it here, in a shoutbox of a nearly deade fansite #justsaying... Today, 16:36 PM
aerafield: @adamírcz aren't the first two disconnects free every day? Last Friday, 19:26 PM
Rosbone: It is so unlike Relic to punish its fans and community. Last Friday, 12:07 PM
adamírcz: So, I just got a leaver penalty without even getting onto the loading screen because of the game disconnecting, bravo Relic Last Friday, 10:45 AM
Rosbone: It is an indicator of the very short sighted capitalist view that plagues any company where leadership does not understand the product. Last Thursday, 20:00 PM
Rosbone: They dont care about Coh3 or Coh in general. They are just trying to grab cash by ripping off the small user base they have. Last Thursday, 19:58 PM
Rosbone: Just making mistake after mistake after mistake. Last Thursday, 19:57 PM
Rosbone: It is clear they crapped out an unfinished game. And are now barely supporting it as they make new smaller games. Coh3 is stillborn. It will be meh for at least another 2-4 years. Meaning they killed the whole franchise instead of growing it. Last Thursday, 19:56 PM
Rosbone: For a thing they could fix in minutes. Literally minutes. Last Thursday, 19:53 PM
Rosbone: If I did play coh3 and was mainly a skirmish player, I would be pissed and probably stop playing. And it has been like this since release. Why? I would not tell my friends to buy a game I am not even playing. Lost sales and angered users. Last Thursday, 19:53 PM
Rosbone: I am just saddened how Relic keeps hurting themselves by not fixing 5 minute things like menus. Why anger users with stuff that could be fixed in minutes??? Last Thursday, 19:50 PM
Rosbone: I was wondering why people think I was raging. I think it was when I said "because coh3 sucks so bad". That was not my opinion. Just a general feel from top players/streamers. I dont play Coh3 and have NO opinion of it. Last Thursday, 19:48 PM
OKSpitfire: You can rage as often as you like btw, you usually manage to make it pretty funny. Last Wednesday, 11:18 AM
Rosbone: So it was a systemic failure across multiple disciplines and check points. Last Wednesday, 04:30 AM
Rosbone: Knowing how companies work, I imagine a new hire making the menus. The API they are using is complicated and things were hard to figure out. But at some point QA or management should have addressed these things. Usually within 6 months of starting. Last Wednesday, 04:29 AM
Rosbone: @theekvn I dont hate Coh3 or Relic. I just dont understand how you work on Coh3 for like 7 years and the menu system is worse than if a Programming 101 student made it. Feel free to explain it to me. Last Wednesday, 04:07 AM
theekvn: + 33% dmg rear hit was best deal ever. Last Wednesday, 04:00 AM