Except massive bias, you have something else, perhaps valid, to base that on?
I dont want to start another endless derail because of penals...
I keep track of how many threads this has been discussed, they always end in volks OP because Penuls OP because cons suck.
At least dont be so predictable with the answers.
So top tier they needed to be buffed now?
Version 1.1 'buff'
This emphasizes what i said about riflemen, they are good, not the best at early game, so a take back my point. A near range buff is not what you can call "a neccesary adjust because they suck"
Other than that, they got some doctrinal buffs and som QoL buff, nothing critical.
Their first iteration was con-gren mix.
Their current life iteration is beefed up grens without a range they would underperform at.
Also, their performance got completely untouched, they simply got a cost to match that performance, so that as well isn't an argument.
At least we agree on this one, volks have changed so much its hard to put them in a right balance spot. The obvious way to continue is a volks nerf
That makes no sense what so ever no matter how you want to look at it or how you want to explain it.
I woulnt say that if i were you, because you do understand. An earlier luchs to make up for worse volks is a sensible solution, it would depend on FU cost.
Earlier Obers are still coming later than penals, nothing wrong about it.
Take your own advise and stop ignoring the fact that penals arrive late and are always outnumbered, warranting their performance and, if they were cost inefficient as you claim they should be for whatever mad reason, they would require to be buffed.
Let me use you own advice on yourself then, Obers are still going to be available after the 3rd penal squad and they are going to be cost innefective until upgunned, there is no reason to whine about obers if you consider the penal balance situation.