Fuel and mp cost for OKW teching is in line with any other faction.
Flak doesn't require any additional investment to activate it, doesn't eat pop cap, doesn't have upkeep.
Its more free then USF officers.
Its attached to something that has its own cost, but that somethings cost, again, is in line with equivalents of all other factions that do not grant anything free that directly impacts on field presence depending on where you put it.
I dont completely agree, but a little bit.
OKW teching is in line, and it should. Flak requiring popcap nor upkeep is just a dumb argument.
The additional investment to activate it is something you just made up, i could simply answer it with a "it is included with the SWS upgrade" and there is no real way to prove each wrong.
Imagine if you had to pay "any additional investment" to enable bofors to fire, wouldnt that be nonsense?
The SwererHQ gives you BOTH, a tank factory and a stationary flak gun, no one can determine how much the flak gun costed since they were both bundled together. After this patch we all now know it requires +40 FU and +100 MP.