Kurobane asked a question and I replied with a similar question.
Now you have asked and I had to reply.
Stuart get first sight bonus at vet1 luch at vet 3.
Do you really want to argue that is easier to get luch vet 3 than Stuart Vet 1?
Here we go, adding trivial things to prove a point.
Vision is not the main issue here. But ill humor you. The luch will vet easier but
to vet isent as hard as vet 1. Okw (axis in general) has more vision or scouting and cloak options so the fact that the luchs gets it at vet 3 is a non issue.
The stuart remains to weak for its cost and timing regardles of its vet 1 vision bonus. Its a 70 fuel pea shooter that can slow or snare vehicles. Other vehicles for that price and timing have far greater impact.
Cost and mirco required is to high for its impact. Do you really think this is balanced?