Multiplayer balance doesn't impact single player campaign if you set them into two different stat folders.
The rooting question is what bring more revenue on a game.
- New content = direct revenue
- Fun goodies = direct revenue
- Multiplayer/Competition = indirect revenue, maintain the game live between two content additions.
- Modding = indirect revenue, he is right on this point Relic must release something solid to allow players to create their own content.
In term of multiplayer, Relic needs to develop a solid lobby that can include the others aspects:
- New content, coop content to play with friends.
- New competitive mods, Imo we reached to the end of the capture the flag mod and it needs to be renewed
- Fun goodies, skins, voices, UI
- Modding, the lobby should integrate better the mod, give them much more visibility.
I think Relic is already doing a great job on the single player experience, the Ardenne campaign was an interesting try and COH3 campaign taking all the good ideas from Total War experience is probably the way the go to catch new solo players.
I have repeatedly talked about this (did I cite my "Make COH3 MP F2P to save the franchise" post?). The business model of F2P and paid shit inside game is the future for every game that wants to have a decent pool of players.