The goofy thing about the 300 *ahem* 400 *ahem* whatever levels is that they still max out at an arbitrary number. If you're gonna count xp for everything everyone does (so basically it's a meter of time spent in-game doing something), why stop counting at some made up number? It just boggles the mind how ridiculous that system is. But really they can just leave it because nobody cares about it anyway.
What they need to do is introduce a system that relates to skill in automatch. Guess what, they already have one, it's called ELO. So show everybody their own ELO (at least), and show enemy ELO and all players ELO changes in the endgame stats screen. That's such an easy change from a programming/design perspective and it would make such a huge difference to people who actually play this game to compete.
I was curious about the ingame ranking/Prestige stuff. So it's basically time spend behind the keyboard? That explains when I play with a Prestige 2 and he's horrible, must be a pure comp-stomper.
But on that note, if it's pure keyboard time, why not match equivalent "time" with equivalent "time"??? Just as in CoH1, the automatching "persons of equivalent skills" is just rubbish. You get a noob vs high ranks, or in CoH2, no Prestige stars vs 3 Prestige stars. Ugh.