I really liked the campaign in CoH1. It had a great story, IMO. |
I would still like to see the WWII island hopping/Pacific campaign of US Marines vs Japanese.
If not, then the Cold War. Typical NATO vs WARSAW Pact. Plenty of good fictional material out there for reference. For example, Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising and Harold Coyle's Team Yankee (which also had a table top game based on it). |
Sorry, but this is the dumbest patch for a purchase only skins not even available through the in-game store.
Relic nukes any further gameplay patches, then comes requesting money for a charity? Dare I ask what percent of the money actually would make it to the charity? |
I think CoH1 was great game. The Brit and PE buggered it up some. Roos were horrible, but overall was good. CoH1 campaign, IMO, hands down better than any of the CoH2 campaigns. Heck, I'll still play CoH1 Mission 4 (Carentan Counterattack) for the shear fun of it.
CoH2 polished up CoH1, but I still disagree with the way OKW works and the overall forward retreat point system. |
inb4 windows 10 store exclusive.
Pretty much a given, unless they learned from Halo 2 Wars...

Maybe this AoE4 could be a CoH like game who cover the era of the WW1, WW2 and modern times.
EDIT: My bad I did not see the other topic 
I was hoping for that, but the reveal trailer ends with images of colonial times.  |
I should quote myself in one of the previous balance patch threads where I said "You are at the tail end of the lifespan and should be fine tuning now, not making monstrous changes or else you may get caught at EOL with a half baked solution."
And here we are. RIP COH2, or the COH franchise imo. I don't see myself supporting Relic games ever again.
We should create PUBG.org now 
I was thinking of buying pugb already, it seems like im gonna have to now ^^
I got tired of the imbal teamgames as USF (my fav side), so I shelved the game and moved to PUBG as well (not very good, but love the heck out of it) hoping to come back to COH2 when the patch came out.
Looks like COH2 is falling to the wayside for me like COH1 did.  |
Like adamircz said, usf just isn't that great in teamgames. They can be good if used properly in 1v1, but either of the other two allied factions are better choices for teamgames.
That being said, I love usf and will still subject myself to playing teamgames with them. In the "armor" department, as you have discovered, usf lack tanks that can stand up to axis at, so I only ever build Jacksons and Scotts in teamgames. You get both functionalities of a sherman in separate units at much longer range, which is really useful for teamgames. I usually arm all my rifles to be anti infantry (double bars) and get a .50, which in combination is usually enough to stand up to any infantry, and with scotts, you will definitely win that engagement. However, I would suggest not building scotts until you have at least to Jacksons. Also, the usf at gun sucks and it'll just get Stukad anyway, so my recommendation is don't build it as the game will move to lategame fast enough that zooks will tide you over until jacksonsin 99% of games.
I agree with most of this, except I'll put 'zooks on the RE's early for AT, then BARs on rifles, then get the Scott for the one, two punch on the infantry which Axis inevitably will blob with. The early Axis tanks will get scared off by the RE zook and Rifles AT 'nades. Jacksons come after the Scott.
If Axis is camping hard with OKW trucks, then I'll go Cali. If it's heavy tanks, I'll go Pershing.
And as it's been stated, USF is meant to do combined arms and flank. Sadly, in team games with most maps, flanking is nigh impossible.
Both play-styles can work too. If you can kill all your opponents at the military base - you and your squad are typically the most well armed and equipped. High risk/high reward type thing.
Slow play can work as well but you do rely on more luck that you find the items you need to compete, imo.
I like to pick a high loot area that is well outside the plane path, typically we will drop and find a car, drive to a high loot location. Seems to work very well.
This is useful: 
Interactive map:
https://pubgmap.io/erangel.html#2/-134.5/127.0 |
I think ww2 is at the perfect spot for complexity of tech. Do you really want a game where each side only has one Main Battle Tank, instead of a bunch of variety in TDs, mediums, heavies?
Kinda of spent on Allies vs Germany. The Africa campaign would be more of the same, IMO. That's why if they stuck with WW2, to go with a Pacific campaign. USA/USSR/Australia vs Japan. There's plenty of land fighting to explore there.
The 1950s, 1960s look very cool, there was a lot of staff more than in the WW2.
Ditto. The Korean War has never been explored in an RTS that I'm aware of. It's an extension of WW2 tech.
Didn't know about the Major. Was trying last night and I couldn't get it to work. Can't deploy in the house, and I clicking on deploy after I gave the enter house command did nothing. |