Ostheer just got a 100mp reduction for their T2 structure, I wouldn't give any more mp reductions.
Instead, with the mainline buffs for Sov and USF, I'd just keep your composition at 2-3 Grenadiers max and back them up with infantry which deal more damage for their cost like Assault Grenadiers, (G43) Panzergrenadiers or Stormtroopers. I get either overwhelmed or outtraded in the lategame if I solely rely on LMG Grenadiers as infantry.
Actually, certain players like Brosras, Jae, Nicko and Stuve like to skip T1 with double Pio + double MG42, rush out Pgrens, 222 and Jaeger Command Squad and give their 2-3 Pgrens G43's.
Tech costs has nothing to do with MP drain from replacements when talking about army composition. Ostheers inablity to rely on a mainline infantry makes them into a house of cards faction... if you doing well you are doing really well but one good flank or lucky grenade/mortar can wreck your army so fast no other faction can compare. |
Their reinforce cost is equal to that of conscripts
20x6 = 30x4 = 120mp
Not if you go 5 man gren squads 30x5=150
Also 7 man conscripts are cheaper to reinforce. |
If you are not gonna significantly buff grenadiers they should atleast be cheaper to reinforce. 30 MP is more than most elite infantry per model which is why you can never go grenadier heavy or 5 man gren because you will bleed MP out of your ass.
This hurts the numbers of strats ostheer can attempt since again... grens lose vs most other mainline infantry and they do certainly don't trade well at all. |
Why should'nt he? Axis are in a really good spot for now, always over 50% playing, according to the counter ingame. Pgrens changes, 250 and 251 HT, vet3 gren buff and massive OKW overhaul have made already well-made army into hellish spawn of OPness. I do like play with germans, I am even sort of werhaboo myself, but I'd like me some skills.
As for topic, changes to howitzers seems good enough for me. Pre-patch both ML-20 and LeFH were able to lay continuous area-denial fire or non-stop bombardment on heavvy-traffic area, making easy kills and frustrating enemy. Also, mobile arty spam was a thing.
Now it is more like an offmap arty strike - short, effective, but with big cooldown. However, it almosti killed (IMO) any sort of mobile arty unit, so my guess is to revert chandges for them and do something else to them, like increased scatter or messing with their vet1 abilities.
% of players searching is irrelevant, i promise you no matter how nerfed axis are they will always be popular. |
I love this change.
Without it, LEFH was superior to all other howis because its barrage was so long, once it finished, it could start another one.
Ofcourse you love every change thats not good for axis. |
B4 with vet can pretty much fire non stop now. Gets kinda imba on small maps when the distance is so short it almost always hits on target. |
Ostheers Tiger seem to get main gun crit every time its on low health, don't know if im just unlucky but happened to me 6 times in row now. |
RNG is RNG unfortunately. Missing a few shots in a row a balance concern does not make. If it were a reoccurring thing (old is-2) then sure but it's not that common as of yet.
tbh i didnt find IS2 missing infantry prepatch. It had such an huge AOE that misses still dealt damage. The misses with no damage where from noobs that constantly had is2 moving while shooting and never understood that a tanks accuracy is greatly reduced while moving. |
True, the King Tiger was legendary. Just ask IL2 pilots who didn’t even need fighter escorts after Bagration and just carped bombed these trashcans to death.
As for the kill death ratio, what are you? 15? Have you actually read anything on WW2? You think a k/d ratio matters when your logistics are dead, you get stuck in the mud, you are literally impossible to hide and you have the mobility of a turtle?
Stop typing legendary and go on amazon to buy some books. I recommend starting with David Glantz, he’s done some great overview work on the Eastern front.
Do you have reading comprehension? I said its kill death ratio was still legendary despite being outnumbered, fuel problems and being harrassed by allied air power constantly. Meaning i don't believe in historians with an allied bias who constantly bashes germans being "complete idiots". |
Claiming: " King Tiger needing better treatment because it’s a legendary tank" is just another example of axis bias.
Talking of legends, each tank in the game have it own legend.
It is axis bias to not want one of the most expensive tanks in the game actually be worth its price? Your argument is more like allied bias where just because one historian said the King Tiger was shit it has to be shit in the game too. All im asking for to be worth its investment in the game which it is currently not. Its more a meme than a tank atm. |