Idk how to brake this to you but order 227 was not that much about shooting people. They would shoot over their heads at best in 99% of times. Most times they would be sent back to the front or in worst cases be sent to a penal battalion. Sooo yeah.. Why shoot your own soldiers? Especially in like Stalingrad or something like that.
Yeah why shoot your own soldiers, why would stalin kill his own military command, its all hollywood bs lol. |
How about make germs (on drugs) assf*** each other in base to bust their performance. That would be istoricaly accurate 10 times more.
Give buff to kar98 and we could do that sure. kar98 is a meme at this point from grens. |
You should be playing Imperial Guard in DoW2
Aren't they based on the soviet union? |
An idea to make commissars more balanced, fun and realistic they would be given the ability to give a conscript unit 15% more durability but also the commissar would take his revolver and execute one conscript for a trade off. Another ability would be the commissar would give 30% more durability, think of it as order 227 not one step back. But also execute 1 conscript and if the conscript would retreat another commissar at the base would take his revolver and execute 2 conscripts upon returning to base, as a blocking detachment. If there are not more than 2 conscripts in the squad when returning to base the commissar executes the entire squad for cowardice. Not only would this spice things up it would be historically accurate. |
Jesus H Christ what the fuck am I reading here.
Alright fellas, you better strap in because I'm about to show you why sections are fucking ridiculous, Let's begin with the early game where they are at their weakest- Oh, wait they're fucking not.
So this is where the section problems begin, right out of the fucking gate, so ask yourself why are sections stronger early game?
Simple, they have a numbers advantage because they start with their mainline right out of the game, ostheer and okw both have engineer units who are CQC oriented right? So on a pound to pound basis where your mainline production is going to be similar (4 volks/3volks+1fusi, 3grens/4grens) You are going to be outnumbered because the meta is going 5 sections, now you could make the case that trying to equal the numbers out is viable (its not really the case, as i've tried time and time again vs brits with 5 volks doesn't work)
So from out of the gate on a quality level he's going to have an advantage, on some maps, this may be weaker, but as you can see in the clips earlier, getting close with grens is a fool's quest, it doesn't allow you to actually trade well because you'll lose half the squad so fucking quickly and then he can retreat away with having suffered no bleed at all.
Alright so that's the first problem out of the way, now let's throw in the rest
They get self spotting at vet 1
They get self-healing which means they can be on the map constantly with no drawback while everyone else has to retreat
they get sandbags and trenches which is way stronger in their hands than any other unit because of the cover bonus
And (I'm not 100% this is true but I've heard it before) they get a 25% faster cap rate.
So from the initial engagements, it's not unrealistic to actually being forced to charge right on to a sandbag section. So let me ask you this as a follow-up. Should i be rewarded for making a sandbag and sitting my ass down to hold a point despite it requires almost no effort on my end? and almost thrice the effort of my opponent to push me out?
Quite frankly sandbgs have no place on ANY mainline infantry and should be promptly removed.
Moving on
Trading efficiency
Fun fact, normal greens are completely irrelevant in the brit matchup because you cannot on any level trade efficiently and have to spend 60 munis on another gren to compete with the sections+ veterancy to get the remotest of chances to compete with them.
The simple reason is well grens cost 30 to reinforce sections cost 28 mp to reinforce, so now you're at a situation where you cannot win most of the engagements you take that are going to be one on one and even if you do you still come out losing manpower wise.
So i could go on about this forever (lmg upgrades being fucking ridiculously strong for example, assault being retarded, officer having free recon, AEC timing negating 222s and 250s, the amazing teching they get which allows for 11 minute cromwells. or the fact that you get a premium high end Comet with phopshours,smoke,blitz,grenades and amazing armour which allows you to bounce KTs. The command aura from churchills having abusrdly strong bonuses. ect ect) but I won't because it's quite frankly a waste of time since I have a feeling most of you will just ignore what I'm saying anyway. So let's move over to what i think is a good solution
My suggestion for a solution that i think would work, get rid of sandbags, trenches, give them five man out of the gate, get rid of the coverbonus, decrease their firepower and reduce their cost if need be and give them a snare if its so fucking desperate to deal with LVHs. Reduce the AECs anti infantryt pintle and make treadbreak not get stronger with vet. make the vickers 50 muni per, Make assault sections lose their phosp grenade, and increase the last tech level for brits so the cromwell doesn't get the best timing in the game.
I was getting tired of "ostheer is one of the most well balanced armies in the game" already in 2015. Every other faction has had MAD POWERCREEP since 2014 and ostheer gets nothing... only buffs to completely dead units like ostwind who noone used for years at all and are now on par with their other mediocre units.
Grenadiers are laughable bad. 30 MP reinforce for what?? They lose to everything and you can never position them to wreck other infantry, at best you can be in a position to hold your own but you will never wreck like a flanking 7 man conscripts or riflemen. Tommies is just like grenadiers but actually good. To make matters worse ostheer never got a proper light vehicle so what are ostheer good at? They are not good at defense since both conscripts and tommies has sandbags on their mainline but ostheer ofc don't get that. They had the best tanks until allied cryboys demanded buffs to their tanks and now they are equal or arguable better. The answer to whats good about ostheer is NOTHING and thats why everyone is playing OKW.
And no MG42 is not so good that it makes ostheer a good army, vickers are atleast as good and personally i rather take the 50cal who does sick damage and wreck LTV without having to wait for that buggy reload (incendiary rounds).
To win as ostheer you hide behind your MG42 and pak walls hoping and praying your opponent is gonna make a mistake because you know that as ostheer there are no plays to be made. |
Why is ost the only ones with mainline infantry that can't maneuver yet still sucks when in cover. Atleast give grens som better damage with veterancy because they don't scale. When allies have vet 3 on all their infantry they can basically ignore grens.
To think of it, why not raise the vet requirements for all infantry, its too easy to reach vet 3 since AT grenades gives you almost half a level of vet. |
This feels like shocktroopers in 2013. |
Oh! You mean, like, using single potent artillery unit against a cluester of at least 4 weapon teams sitting in one place?
Make your mind already, because every following post you make contradicts you even more.
You want to counter multiple weapon teams, but don't want to use a unit that hardcounters them in best way.
To me and anyone else reading this, you don't seem to unerstant RTS fundamentally and have no slightest idea about resource management ON TOP of having no idea about positioning since you're apparently losing artillery unit that can shoot OVER LOS and SHOT blockers to a direct fire unit of much lower range.
At top 200 games noone is putting 4 weapon teams in one place. Get top 200 and you will understand. Secondly i already explained about the complex mechanic of shooting through shotblockers. Tightrope have some video about it you should watch it, it will really raise your level of play once you learn it. |
Don't play custom games on that one super flat testing map with FoW disabled then.
You would have to REALLY TRY to lose pwerfer this way.
And I mean 2nd best thing next to trying to use its MG to fight infantry suicide level.
Not only fast, great range and oneshots pwerfer. There is this trick in coh2 you can do where you can fire through shotblockers. You do it by using the attack ground command slightly behind the vehicle and it will go through the shotblocker and hit your target. |
Ok, so use 4 mortars/ISGs then.
There, you have made similar mp investment he can't touch with his composition and paid no fuel.
How are your ranks not in 4 digit tier if you don't even know how hardcounters work in this game or when to use them?
Why are you screeching about Pwerfer costing fuel? Did you previously built it only to counter vehicles?
Maybe you don't understand RTS fundamentally but its all about resource management and forcing your opponent to invest his resources in ways that will not benefit him in the long run, its called macromanagement. Try play starcraft 2 at a decent level and you will understand it. |