Well if we are crying about the JPIV camo, why is nobody talking about the luchs's camo? I don't have a problem with both, but i don't see anybody talking about the luchs which has almost the same camo "problem" as the jpiv (?), or i am just stupid and i can't read which could be the case 2 
The problem is that the two camos are not the same at all.
Note that there's also a huge disparity between the intended roles of the two units. The Luchs has to go up close to deal damage, whereas the JPIV can safely stay in the rear and do it's thing.
- 400 HP
- 40 gun range
- 20 range needed to detect camo
- 640 HP (becomes 800 HP with vet)
- 60 gun range
- 10 range needed to detect camo
Finally, since this is a game about trades, having an ability that allows you to cheat death becomes all the more annoying if the unit is expensive.
For instance, nobody ever complained about 222 (doctrinal) smoke. However, people seem to be getting the fumes to their mouth when the same ability is also available on, say, the Panther.