Honestly, I don't mind. There is very little I can say other than maybe it fits with the series. I mean, you have factions dedicated to the WunderWaffe or the most obscure collection of vehicles within the German military, the Pershing fighting alongside infantry in Normandy, and the Pre-Alpha having you go tank hunting a general who just so happens to be driving around in a Tiger.
I could go on about the historical accuracy of the franchise, but I don't see the point in that when the previous two titles are video game versions of Saving Private Ryan and Enemy at the Gates. The developers sure have a few snippets of history here and there, but it seems to be gameplay over accuracy.
Perhaps it might be someone who just saw the tank somewhere and somehow managed to sneak it onto the list of new units and vehicles they intend to add into the third installment? Maybe they thought it looked enough like a World War Two tank? Who knows?
Fortunately, it is a Pre-Alpha and like all Pre-Alphas, it could be switched out and dumped into their cut content bin. Now given that the preview is mainly on the campaign, it could be exclusive to just be campaign stuff.
The one I really want to touch on is the detachments, but that is for another place.