If they don't want fusiliers to "overshadow volks", why the fuck would they give them back their weapon slot? When volks upgrade literally takes up 2??? That makes zero sense
that was a changed that was made when they buffed the close range dps as a draw back, it seems obvious if u make and buff and a nerf to a unit when u revert the changes u would revert both
btw we should make them a clone to volks insated by your logic ? what's the point of the weak
I've done tests, I've used them in game, I've played against them
so from your ass ? ok
u know someone like penal battalion played the game too he said make 1 men squad rifle should we listen to him ? i mean he said "i used them in game" what's more to prove his point ? we all know looking at stats and doing test is for brainless people right ?
Can you try to stop being a troll for 1 post? Just one? It's their combination of power and utility, and you know that. You know damn well they are a versatile squad, that it literally their fucking design dude. Give me a break, Jesus Christ
5 sight range, too much utility bro you were talking about the upgrade right ? it's 5 sight range of utilty please either you focus on the upgrade or the unit as whole u don't get to chery pick what u want for argument’s sake, u refred as the upgarde having woth 2 weapon slot adn 90 mun so the bonuses are 3 g43 whicha re weaker than green g43 1 more man and 5 sight range where is the versatility of the upgrade itslef other than the 5 sight range ? or are u saying we should count the base cost of the squad for their ability which you are alredy paying more than other squad (270mp and 25 mp)
im not being a troll i would like u to chose if u want to discuss the squad a whole or the upgrade itself, cause until now u cherry picked what u wanted, make your point but do it without cherry picking
Point out exactly where I asked that question? I didn't, because I'm not at all confused about why people use fusiliers. You have completely lost your mind dude, your arguing against things I never said or even thought about
u said that panzerfusilier are spammed in team game, and tried to find a reason that u already had the answer too that was what i pointing out
by your own word volks are weak so people are using PF
no need more convoluted ideas
there is no need to touch PF
btw since u are not willingly to do some tests or check stats can u post your replays of PF spam so we can at least check that or are we supposed to just believe like some flat earth cult ?