- Panzerfaust: Costs more than its equivalents and is locked behind a slow teching (Compared to SU/OST, early-early game). The animation is also too slow, which results in losing the volkgrenadiers squad.
- STG Sidegrade: Around %20 increased damage @ close range and zero improvement at long range, the distance volks are supposed to excel at. You shouldn't pay 60 munis just to get two downgraded versions of sturmpioneers MP44s. They already got 4, and for free.
- Panzershreck:
How about just creating a new "AT" unit instead of overloading sturmpioneers with their hefty reinforce cost.EDIT:Actually it is fine on sturms, since it seems to be an improved version, also sturms have some use past the 5 minute mark. So this is a non-issue.
- The Soviet GMC™ Doctrine: This doctrine is broken as hell. HM38 is much more effective than the leFH/leIG yet it is ridiculously cheaper. It does an excellent job at wiping out sturmpioneers, MG34s, falls and obersoldaten. It also negates the core design element of OKW, the Forward trucks. T3485s outmatch the PIV and are also cheaper. Mark taret turns every vehicle into a Jagdtiger and without smoke you are pretty much fucked.
- Medics: As stressed out by every one else, the fuel cost is just silly, given the fact that they will be bleeding early game due to heavy light car domination.
- M1 81mm: USF does not need this. Both axis factions rely on heavy use of cover and in case of Ostheer, support teams. Just reduce the price for teching nades and remove this new cheese altogether. It is Single–handedly negating %99 of the core CoH2 design and gameplay elements. They have the most broken howitzer in game already so there is no justification for adding this, and specially in HQ! WTF. So either remove this or remove ostheer T1 and T2 buildings altogether. The MG34 at 2-3CP makes zero sense as well, as long as this unit exists.
And now some suggestions.
- Allow OKW to build caches: Since the asymmetrical aspects of the design have been buried long time ago and now that OST can build sandbags, USF can build mortars and both the SU and USF have an excellent early/mid/late game (contray to their original design), there is nothing wrong with allowing OKW to build caches.
- Either reduce the cost for using the panzerfaust, double the damage or remove the teching requirement. Or captain molo apprentices will reign supreme again. (M3/Jeep Dickery etc)
- Move obers to Tier 2 so they would have a window of opportunity to vet up and reduce their MP cost while increasing their upgrade costs, or buff volks damage up to 14-15
- Revert the vehicle cost changes:as suggested by some other members as well.
Edit: thanks to Exsile for providing us with this replay, it helps illustrating the point more vividly. https://www.coh2.org/replay/53913/wc51-start-vs-okw
Edit 2: Noticable posts:
So how about we exchange Faction characteristics, let OKW have weapons rack and ambulance Obel Blitz, let USF to go with trucks, one 60muni Bazooka per RE and 2 TMS per Rifles?
I'm ok with Vet 1 Faust if u can change that for me
No Fuel and Muni cache are with Vet 5. You can change that too if you want.
Buff stg44 on volks, give surmpios ability to upgrade second shrek after T4.
To get healing you need to pay for:
- SwS truck call-in
- Battlegroup HQ building
- Medics unlock
So it is not about JUST Medics unlock.
4 vs 4 is hilarious watching them repeatedly run into MGs and AAHTs.

According to cruzz, the USF mortar is longer range, faster, and more accurate than any other stock mortar in the game.
I feel like they need tank hunters obers buildable from hq at the begining, which come with 2 at rifles and can upgrade to double shrecks, their combat stats significantly weaker and different from obers then normal obers stats for reasons. Shreck pios is joke.
Still, too early to tell.
OKW ded. Ostheer ded. Axis ded. Watch all the wehraboos(aka 75% of coh2 player) disappear.
Allied fangirls think Axis still any good this patch, claim it's "balanced" coz their free wins are all totally due to their "skill". Meanwhile, people who actually play both sides equally, claim OKW is UP (Ostheer's been scheibe a long time now).
And before you put me on any side, I play mostly USF with EFA a close second.
Bye Axis. Cheers to the masochists who still play those factions, and thanks for the easy wins.
An already muni starved faction is now more muni starved and still can't build caches.
Could you explain to me (logically please!) why healing should cost fuel?
you know he is a little bias but he doesn't want other to notice so sometime he says good think about okw he just don't want to be found out
OKW? More like pick jeep commander for free wins with molostrats.
Well it cant be in the Captain cause there is already Pack Howitzer so only logical choice would be Leut, although it was added to counter MGs and Garrisons with the Barrage + Smoke but because Relic made it op, people are using it for different reasons all together
On Topic, OKW side tech is stupid, yes they should get side tech but of all things why the Medics and repair pioneers no one complain about these ever
Why not make the StGs, Nades, Panzershrecks and Raketen CAMO into side tech in HQ put MG34 in there as side tech if you want even, atleast this would force players to make decisions, do I unlock these early in the game or try to rush out a vehicle
Removing Shrecks weakened the late game of OKW heavily aswell, I think some medium vehicle price adjustments should be taken into consideration
Also making the Faust side tech is completely insane OKW needs it vs the M3 Scout Car, Bren Carrier etc.
Now that Im on the Topic of Fausts, cant they just be available from the start and remove the base flaks the only reason OKW has those is to protect them from allied light vehicle rushes but now if they have the faust in T0 they wont need it no more
This would make base rushing OKW more viable and the OKW player wouldnt have an affect on call-in planes with 0 input