Played 2v2 vs UKF and SOV, as OKW, with my friend OST. A soon as I saw 2 mortar pits, I went Feurstorm and built 2 ISGs as soon as the Med truck deployed. Let me tell you, even then it was not easy. I remained within max barrage range the whole time and the pit shells still managed to hit me the whole time. I barely had enough time to walk in, flame barrage and then wheel the ISGs out of range.
I thought of barraging first, forcing brace on him, waiting and then doing the flame barrage, but that just had me sitting for too long in one place and the ISGs kept getting decrewed. I destroyed the 2 pits once, but the micro tax was felt, I had to protect the ISGs as they are vulnerable to to any kind of fire and flank, and getting them to safety felt like wheel barrowing a drunken fat guy through a narrow doorway. I eventually found myself defending a pocket which ended up in the middle of crater field when the katushya came out.