1.What are your basing your claim about alienating a lot of people on?
2. Who exactly are they supposed to listen to when creating a BALANCE patch other than good players? It's not like there is any kind of consensus among the casual player base that could be used for a patch. Now I grant you that BALANCING the game might make it less enjoyable for more casual players because certain fun elements (like the B4 for example) are taken away. But from what I understand the BALANCE team has a clear mandate to create a BALANCE patch. They never set out to make the game more fun for comp stompers or anything like that. You can critizize the mandate given by relic but you can't criticize them for fullfilling it.
3. What community ideas are you talking about? They can't realistically test every idea articulated in this forum for example. They have to select somehow. And btw from what I can tell they have picked up on ideas by people who are definitely not part of the "elite".
Going off of your tone and the fact that I haven't seen you post in a while I'm assuming that you're either part of the community dev team or just want cookie points by trying to defend them.
But anyway, I'll bite and answer your questions.
1. The fact that many people as it's obvious here as one example have disagreements about the camo changes for the Grenadiers. This came out of the blue with no discussion on regards to the community at large, only some concerns within the closed off for the public community dev team and their few "pro" players which I don't entirely see the point in when you take into account that there was a claim here that half if not most of them were 3v3 or 4v4 teamgame players but whatever I suppose.
2. Who exactly are the elected government officials in a country supposed to listen to if not the people who elected them to serve in their best interests exactly? The community dev team are here because of the game's community and large almost 10,000 daily player base, if it's not for them then there would be no one playing the game and then no point in continuing to support it like this by developing updates.
So yes I do believe that the larger community should be taken into account as well because while not all of us are the best at playing the game or have the time to play every single day, all day long to accumulate thousands upon thousands of hours of playing it again, if it's not for these people, there would be no point in further updating the game. And if your definition is that the game should only be balanced around the top 1% of the community and the 1v1 or 2v2 scene at the most then by that logic we should all strive to be like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezoz in real life as well yet extremely rarely does one achieve that, again due to having a job, life and so forth and the inability to play every single day, all day long to ascend to "godhood" in a video game.
Also as I said I do believe they are getting a lot of undeserved hate so I'm fully aware of Relic's "scope" or at least the excuse to not fix the game entirely like for example things such as the USF base and so forth.
3. Yes and their "selection" process is very thoughtful, so much so that ideas like the previously mentioned USF Base redesign that would be a huge QOL change for everybody, at least the test of how a longer ranged Sturmtiger might perform to make it an actually useful unit instead of a meme since again, that's what the testing phase of an update should do, and for example a 25 pounder howitzer emplacement for the UKF to expand their doctrinal choices instead of only being limited to the Royal Artillery Regiment and mortar ones.
New content and ideas that has been tried and tested by the community for a very long time through the means of modding that could bring new life to the game that could potentially make it both more fun and balanced.
Instead almost all of them get shot down because reasons without even a test and then they go silent for at least a few weeks before the release of an update, which has happened multiple times now as I said previously, and get new versions of the patch only for internal testing which include changes not mentioned to the larger community and of course end up like a few days ago, with a rollback.
And to end I'll post a quote relating to the last situation which I believe could have been prevented -